unexplained-events: unexplained-events:The Black PhookaThe black Phooka is a shape-shifting creature
unexplained-events: unexplained-events:The Black PhookaThe black Phooka is a shape-shifting creature from old Celtic mythology. It is a benign but mischievous creature. Their normal appearance is similar to that of a cat (its tail will twitch when its angry much like a cat), but this creature can take the form of horses, goats, cats, dogs, hares and even humans. No matter what shape they take, their fur is always dark.They mostly prefer to take the form of a pony and will try to entice humans to take a ride on their back. If a someone does get on, they will give the rider a wild and terrifying journey before dropping the unlucky person back at the place they were taken from.While they’re mostly mischievous creatures, they’re also known to be benevolent and will help farmers with their harvest and field work. Due to this, they are associated with Samhain, a Goidelic harvest festival.The character Puck from A Midsummer Night’s Dream is based off of this creature.SOURCE for pic on right 1st Picture is from Arthur Spiderwick’s Field Guide to the Fantastical World Around You -- source link