It was the last day of school before summer break and it was 1955. Alice passed a note to her friend
It was the last day of school before summer break and it was 1955. Alice passed a note to her friend Barbara and it simply said, “All set!”Barbara coyly took the note and after she read it she smiled. The two girls had told their respective parents that they were going to celebrate the weekend with the other girl’s families. That way neither family would notice that they were gone. Both had taken overnight bags to school with them in preparation for the weekend. After school let out early the two of them were walking home when a white Metro van pulled alongside them. A cheerful young man in his late twenties whistled at them, “You going my way?”The two girls quickly piled into the van, hiding themselves in the back so no one would see them. The van made its way through town and everyone relaxed as they crossed the city limits and sped up to fifty miles an hour on the concrete US highway. The girls chatted excitedly with the driver and they laughed about how they’d fooled their ‘cube’ parents. It was two hours later when the van pulled off the highway onto a narrow dirt road that twisted and turned for a few miles. Finally they stopped at an older vacation home that was typical of northern Minnesota. It was clearly around forty years old and it fronted on a small lake. They all called it the lake house. Alice and Barbara had been here two years before just after Dick had come home from the war in Korea. Back then the three of them had hit it off and become good friends even though Dick was ten years older than Alice and Barbara. Now the two girls were almost eighteen and Dick was twenty-eight and doing well for himself driving around and selling tools to mechanics. He was doing well enough that he had bought the lake house for himself. That meant the threesome wasn’t expecting anyone else to come visit. The two girls went ahead of him to unpack their bags and then change into their bathing suits to get in a quick dip before sunset. Dick lived here so when the girls went into the house to change he just shucked his coveralls and stripped before swimming out into the lake to enjoy the cool water. The girls joined him and they frolicked about laughing and splashing as girls do. Too soon the sun was setting and it was time to go in. Dick swam ahead of the girls and the two of them were stunned to see him walk out of the water naked. He went to the shower on the outside of the house and got the warm water going before he stepped into it. The girls stared in amazement at the sight of the first naked man they’d ever seen. Alice absently put her hand to her breast when Dick turned and displayed himself for her. Barbara was in a bit of a reverie when Dick stepped from the water and said, “Who’s next?”The two girls both complained that Dick was going to see them naked and Dick laughed saying they’d already seen him naked so what was the big deal? And then Dick challenged them asking if they were chicken. A defiant Alice peeled off her swimsuit and then stepped into the warm water. Only when Dick went inside the house did Barbara follow suit. When Dick came out again the two girls were close to each other in the water and he couldn’t have imagined a better sight! Had he not been wearing a robe the two girls would have seen a physical transformation taking place with their older friend. The two girls were soon drying off and Dick handed each of them a flannel robe for their modesty. He remarked that they could get their nightgowns on after dinner and then their hair would be dry by then. That made sense so the two girls stayed in their robes for the moment. Alice felt somewhat naughty being naked under her robe while Barbara felt somewhat guilty under her own robe. Dick had prepared a quick dinner of brats and rolls and then he’d also prepared an exotic treat for the girls: a pitcher full of vodka mixed with a sweet, local apple schnapps! They all sat by the fireplace as the sun dimmed in the west and enjoyed a nice chat as they ate their simple dinner. Both of the girls enjoyed the drink and it wasn’t long before they were both pouring another glass for themselves. They chatted for a good hour or so in which Dick observed both girls starting to feel the effects of the liquor. Barbara excused herself to go to bed and after the perfunctory 'Good night’ pleasantries were exchanged Dick was pleased to be alone with Alice. He moved from his chair to sit with her on the sofa near the fire. Between the liquor and the heat from the fire Alice was feeling very relaxed and when Dick kissed her she had no problem kissing him back. The kisses were chaste but she could feel Dick’s passion, like he was a racehorse ready to run. She didn’t argue when he stood up and took her hand. He led her past the room she was sharing with Barbara and took her into his bedroom, closing the door behind him. Alice wasn’t naïve about what was going on. To the contrary she’d been hoping that Dick was going to try to have his way with her this weekend. She’d been dreaming about being with Dick ever since she first saw him two years before. She didn’t fight him when he opened her robe and ran his hands over her body. He dropped his robe and then kissed her as he eased her robe off of her shoulders to let it drop to the floor. He guided her to the big bed and she got onto it, rolling onto her back with her eyes wide to see as best she could in the dark. He got onto the bed with her and pulled up the blankets against the night chill before kissing Alice again. Dick wasn’t very patient and soon he moved onto the girl and got himself between her legs. When his cock touched against her pussy Alice knew that this was going to be the moment. Still, she didn’t want Dick to think she was fast. “Dick, you know I’m a virgin, right?”“Of course you are, I know that.” He kissed her again as his cock ran between her moistened pussy lips. “You won’t think I’m fast?”As she said this his cock popped into her just enough to make her gasp. “No, I know you’re not fast.”In three steady thrusts he opened the girl and buried himself into her body. He’d long planned to make this last but with his cock buried inside of a snug, warm, wet pussy his cock had other ideas. He fucked her with a quick pace and it was just a minute or so when he held her tight as he filled her with his cum. * * * The next morning a still-naked Barbara was the first to stir and the first thing she noticed in the morning light was that Alice’s bed hadn’t been slept in. She pulled on her robe and padded her way to the bedroom door that was closed. Gently opening the door she was aghast at the sight of Dick and Alice spooned and snoozing away. She just knew that they’d gone all the way and the prim and proper part of her was shocked but there was also a salacious side to Barbara that was mildly envious of her friend claiming Dick as her man. When Dick and Alice finally joined Barbara the three of them politely chatted and sidestepped the obvious topic that was on their minds. Breakfast was prepared, served, and eaten and then the three of them headed out for a day of walking and talking. Once again the day concluded with a swim but this time both Dick and Alice didn’t bother with a swimsuit. All three still ended up wearing just robes as they settled in for dinner.That night the pitcher came out again with a fresh preparation of Dick’s alcoholic concoction. This time it was Alice who was the first to retreat to bed. As she walked towards the bedrooms she contemplated going to Dick’s room but instead went to where she was supposed to go. Barbara for her part was moody as she watched her friend go to bed. As soon as she heard Alice close the bedroom door she looked at Dick with a mixture of accusation and curiosity and quietly asked, “Did you go all the way with Alice?”Dick didn’t hesitate. “Yes, I did.”“Do you love her?”Dick heard the pain in Barbara’s voice. He could tell she felt betrayed. “I love you, too, you know.”Barbara’s tears started to flow. She’d quietly pined away for Dick for two long years only to have Alice claim him first! If only she’d said something!Dick moved to her side and held her close. When she looked up at him he kissed her on the lips and in her grief she kissed him back. Barbara couldn’t help herself. She knew it was so wrong but she kissed Dick anyway. When his hand slipped inside her robe she didn’t try to stop him. His warm hand on her breast felt magical. Dick knew the girl was in turmoil but he also knew he wanted the blonde Barbara every bit as much as he’d wanted the dark haired Alice. When he got up he’d expected to lead Barbara to his bedroom but instead she led the way on her own. By the time he’d closed his bedroom door Barbara was already warming up the bed with her naked body.There were no more words between them as Dick got into bed with her and rolled onto her body. Soon they were making love and Dick found himself grateful that he didn’t feel the same urgency with Barbara as he had with Alice. Barbara craved his attention and she responded to his motions with her own demands. Barbara felt nothing but satisfaction as Dick grunted and released himself into her. When he eventually rolled off of her she thought of her friend and said to Dick, “What about Alice?”Dick nodded. “You’re right.”He got up and left the room only to come back a few moments later with Alice in his arms. A groggy Alice looked at her friend as Dick set her onto the bed. “You, too, huh?”Barbara smiled, “Yeah, me too!” -- source link
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