biodiverseed:Natural fermentation of plums in beeswaxBy Nordic Food LabIs it possible that waxing fr
biodiverseed:Natural fermentation of plums in beeswaxBy Nordic Food LabIs it possible that waxing fruits, a symbol of our large-scale food distributionsystem that values appearance and practicality over taste, could be usedinstead for deliciousness?In fact, many fruits when ripe produce a natural wax coating on theirsurface to reduce the water permeability of the skin. Pick an apple from atree, rub it on your shirt and it shines; the natural waxes on the apple’ssurface are polished. In addition to the wax, the surface of these fruits oftenhost different wild yeasts and other small ‘debris’. Large- scale producers, inorder to get rid of these yeasts and other microorganisms which can decrease afruit’s shelf life, wash their fruits then recoat them with approximately thesame amount of edible wax. But here at the Lab we love wild yeast and bacteria.At the end of September the plum season was nearing an end in Denmark. We received a box of pristine plums one day from our plum lady in Sweden. Thefruits were perfectly ripe – golden, blushed with red, and, we assumed, covered with natural wax and yeast.Read more -- source link
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