thelittlestpotat: I wrote a whole thing about my NYE fantasy, but I should’ve known Hubby had someth
thelittlestpotat: I wrote a whole thing about my NYE fantasy, but I should’ve known Hubby had something special prepared. MY NYE REALITY… I’d been anxious and bratty to Hubby the whole week my parents were visiting us, so I promised Hubby I’d be on my best behavior today. We are going to a big, fancy grown up New Year’s Eve party hosted by Hubby’s firm tonight, so I needed to get a little black dress to wear. I hate shopping and Hubby had to work, so I figured I was in for a boring day of shopping alone. But Hubby assured me I would have fun as long as I was a good lil girl and did as I was told. First thing I needed to do was get dressed for shopping! Hubby picked out my outfit - super tight wool Christmas leggings, hubby’s old Christmas sweater and pampers. As soon as I saw the outfit I started to fuss. There was no way I was going to a crowded shopping mall in leggings with diapers on… everyone would know! Hubby ignored my protests and put me into my pampers anyway. “I thought you were gonna be my good girl today?” He said as he finished pulling my pampers up over my butt. “The day just started. Look at how much you’re whining already!” He was right. I felt totally guilty. But I still didn’t want to go out like this, so I came up with a brilliant plan. “But Hubby,” I said in my sweetest, cutest little baby voice, “wouldn’t I be even more cuter in my Cookie Monster panties?” “Awww, baby girl! You are so cute in those! Want me to go get your Cookie Monster panties princess?” I had him! “Yes, pweaseeee Hubby! Thank youuuuu! I wuv you so much!” I gave Hubby a big hug and waited excitedly on the bed while I waited for him to return with my panties. Sesame Street panties might be embarrassing, but at least it wasn’t pull-ups! “Here we are princess!” Hubby said holding my childish panties up to my smiling face, before grabbing my ankles and sliding the cartoon underwear up my legs. I was confused. “But… Hubby? Wait! Don’t we have to take my pull-ups off first?” “Oh baby no! You know you’re not ready for big girl panties yet.” “But it’s embarrassingggg. Everyone will know!” I whined. “What would be embarrassing is going shopping with a little trail of wee-wee running down your legs. Besides, since you’re going to need to be in pampers for this party tonight you’ll want to be sure you wear something that hides your diapees. As long as you can keep your little pampers dry then they won’t be noticible under leggings. And since you’re suchhhhh a big girl, you won’t have any problem with that right? So no more whining!” Hubby was right. The pampers were barely noticeable under my leggings, especially with my Sesame Street panties pulled up over them. You could only tell I was diapered if you were looking really closely. As long as I didn’t wet while I was out shopping I’d be fine! In my head I quickly calculated all the drinks I’d had. Some water, half a cup of coffee. If I didn’t drink anything else and I got through the shopping quickly I’d be fine. Plus, Hubby promised that if I could buy all the adult things I needed to buy that he would let me get a few new little items! Now I was excited. This was doable. Shopping in diapers was gonna be fun! Maybe Hubby wasn’t punishing me for my week of brattiness after all! The first thing I had to buy was a dress and Hubby wanted input on what I purchased. I picked out a bunch of stuff and ran into the dressing room to try it on. For every dress, I sent Hubby 2 pics to show how well the dress would cover my pampers. My private diaper girl fashion show made me blush at first, but soon enough I was having fun posing for diapered pictures and texting them to Hubby. Finally, we settled on a super simple curve hugging black dress. I figured that was that. But Hubby needed to check one last thing… *on the phone* Hubby: Just need to see one last thing before you get that dress, ok muffin? Potat: Yahhhhhhhh! ❤️✨ Hubby: Awwww, what a good girl! I just need you to put on your pretty new black dressey… Potat: Uh-huhhhhhh… Hubby: … and then I need you to wet your little pampers for me, so we can see how well your dress covers your little diaper when it’s wet. You know you’ll be drinking… so that diaper probably won’t stay dry long. Potat: No. No, Hubby please… no, please, no… Hubby: *sweetest Hubby dom voice* Come on baby. Be my good girl. Wet your little diapers and show Hubby how pretty you look. You took your meds this morning and all that water and coffee… you probably have to make peepee just a little bit by now, don’t you princess? He was right. I’d sort of lost track of time doing my diaper fashion show and now I had to pee. I was super nervous, but with Hubby whispering sweet encouragements in my ear I finally crouched down toddler style and wet myself. I sent a pic of my wet diapers to Hubby and changed back into my leggings for the rest of the shopping trip. My hope that Hubby would hold off on punishing my brattiness was crushed. Hubby was just getting started. With my soggy diapers growing evermore saggy and noticeable, Hubby guided me through the rest of the shopping trip. I had to talk to the helper in the tech department for help finding a specific cable (mortifying ), pick up some grocery items and finally I got to “go get my little prize”. ”Okay little one,” Hubby said. I could hear him smiling through the phone. “Now I want you to go to the baby section of the store and get yourself a new sippy and a paci clip! Then I want you to grab a nice big package of the little girl goodnites. I don’t want my princess fussing about not having pretty panties anymore.” There are no words to describe the shade of red my face turned or the embarrassment I felt shopping for sippy cups in wet, soggy pull-ups. Even worse, Hubby insisted I wait on line for a cashier (because self checkout was only for big girls). I was a blushing wet diaper mess as I watched the confusion on my cashier’s face as she rung up my extra large pampers and sippy cups. My new New Year’s resolution: Be less bratty to Hubby. HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!✨ *please, don’t remove my captions!* -- source link
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