falloutconfessions:“I farm purified water to the point in Sanctuary Hills alone I get around 750 eac
falloutconfessions:“I farm purified water to the point in Sanctuary Hills alone I get around 750 each day. My charisma stat is maxed and apparel/aid boost it when selling. I can save a few thousand of them then go buy a merchant’s whole stock past 10K caps and get it right back. Strong back perk maxed allowing fast travel so I go from there to Diamond City then to Goodneighbor and by the time I reach Sanctuary Hills more purified water is waiting. Unlimited caps and resources of any kind. I have completed about 100 Minutemen quests about 80 BOS quests around 50 side quests and 1 count it, 1 main story quest. By the time I actually start this game, I will be the wasteland’s only millionaire~”Fallout Confessions -- source link
#um goals