learnjp:Self-Introduction | 自己紹介「じこしょうかい」Hey guys, today we’re gonna look into self-introductions in
learnjp:Self-Introduction | 自己紹介「じこしょうかい」Hey guys, today we’re gonna look into self-introductions in Japanese. I’m going to try and go into some detail, and provide examples of the different topics you can talk about in your introduction! I’ll use random information in the examples, so just substitute those details for your own when practicing or writing your own introductions!Meet someone for the first time | 初めて人に会う 「はじめてひとにあう」When you meet someone for the first time in Japan you should say 始めまして「はじめまして」 or よろしくお願い「よろしくおねがい」 (or both) and bow. はじめまして is generally translated as “Nice to meet you” but its literal translation is ‘first time’, so it’s like saying “It’s my first time meeting you”. よろしくお願い is kind of hard to translate directly into English, but it also basically means “Nice to meet you” and “Please look after me”. In response to よろしくお願いします, you can say こちらこそよろしくお願いします which basically means “It’s nice to meet you, too”.The level of politeness that you should use when speaking to the person for the first time depends on who that person if. If it’s a boss/teacher, someone in a higher position than you, or someone that is older than you then you should definitely use keigo 「敬語・けいご」! But if it’s someone the same age as you, you can get away with using teineigo 「丁寧語・ていねいご」!And if it’s a friend of a friend that is a similar age to you, then it would be fine to use informal language!An example of a basic introduction would be;トム:始めまして。トムです。よろしくお願いします。ベッキー:始めまして。ベッキーです。こちらこそよろしくお願いします。Introduction | 自己紹介「じこしょうかい」If you’re in a situation where you have to provide more details in your self-introduction, I would follow this guideline:Say your full name (say your last name first, and then your first name).Say where you’re from (you can go into detail and say the name of the country you’re from, where you were born, where you live, etc.)Say your age.Here is where you can talk about anything really: occupation, studies, hobbies and interests, favourite things, etc.Finish off with a polite greeting.So for example you could say something like:始めまして、ハリス・ベッキーと申します。生まれはブリズベーンですが、育ちはシドニーです。二十四歳です。私は大学生です。学部の二年生です。私の専攻は言語学です。趣味は日本語を勉強することです。よろしくお願いします。Nice to meet you. My name is Becky Harris. I was born in Brisbane, but grew up in Sydney. I’m 24 years old. I’m a university student. I’m in my second year. My major is linguistics. My interest is studying Japanese. Please look after me.It’s important to note that when saying your own name, you shouldn’t attach suffixes such as ~さん、~ちゃん、etc. to your own name because it’s considered rude to address yourself like that.HobbiesMy hobby is…・私の趣味は….・わたしのしゅみは….Cooking・料理をする・りょうりをするDancing・ダンシングをするHanging out with friends・友達に会う・ともだちにあうListening to music・音楽を聞く・おんがくをきくReading・読書・どくしょSinging・歌う・うたうSports・スポーツをするStudying・勉強をする・べんきょうをするSurfing the net・ネットにのるWatching movies・映画を見る・えいがをみるOccupationI’m an…・私は…ですDoctor・医者・いしゃEnglish Teacher・英語の先生・えいごのせんせいHairdresser・美容師・びようしNurse・看護師・かんごしOffice worker・会社員・かいしゃいんPhotographer・写真家・しゃしんかShop assistant・店員・てんいんTeacher・先生・せんせいUniversity student・大学生・だいがくせいVlogger・ブロガー -- source link
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