polymerdespair: POLYMER DESPAIR presents: a childhood favourite… the LyonWalking home at
polymerdespair: POLYMER DESPAIR presents: a childhood favourite… the Lyon Walking home at night, you spot a damaged cartridge in the middle of the road. You almost remember this. Didn’t your cousin have this? Or a friend in your hometown? Is there a copy with your own saves, your own after-bedtime memories, buried in storage somewhere? All you can do is dig out an old system - just barely old enough to be backwards-compatible with the cartridge you’ve found, and nearly broken itself - and check it out. A personal microhorror from Polymer Despair; a game about playing when you aren’t supposed to, exploring the holes left by other people, and the moments when everything suddenly stops. FEATURING: 40 pictures 21 noises SOME MILD JUMPSCARES (shuddersome noises and weird looks; no gore or hyperrealistic bloodshot eyes etc) Clangy .midi-2-.ogg soundtrack 1 little lyon BUY + DOWNLOAD ON ITCH.IO NOW -- source link