the-craftsman: “Nighty night Flash…” “No…Stop…” Barry moaned slightly as the villain’s odd eyes flas
the-craftsman: “Nighty night Flash…” “No…Stop…” Barry moaned slightly as the villain’s odd eyes flashed, rings spreading from the iris and causing his vision to blur as he felt like his mind was sinking away into nothingness. His tried to resist, to somehow get way were fading away to a blank stillness, as a few words continued whispering in his mind. It was like something was being embedded into his mind but he just couldn’t focus, couldn’t focus on anything at all, and so he just found his eyes beginning to lull shut. “P-Please…” “Just sleep Flash…don’t worry, Grodd has some great plans for you… “ That was the last thing Barry could decipher before his vision was finally clouded by darkness and his mind fell into a deep and inescapable trance as slumber came over him. “Nighty night…” Barry suddenly woke up with a start, looking around as he realised that he was in bed, his alarm ringing and he was back in his apartment for the time being. Was everything just a dream? Everything seemed normal but slightly ragged as if someone stumbled here on a drunk night, or Barry thought, someone came in here to place him back in his home. But why? Whoever it was had him in their clutches, why bring him back here? And what did Grodd have to do with anything? With far too many questions and no answers in sight of mind, Barry got up but suddenly stopped as he looked down to notice how much hairier his legs were. He was only wearing a vest and boxers but there was an itching sensation definitely not coming from his own clothes and spreading everywhere as he acknowledged the extra body hair that he usually kept shaved. “What the hell is that?” muttered Barry, grabbing the nearby mirror on the nightstand and looking at his face, noticing the sudden beard and mirror that had grown literally overnight. “How is this possible?” It was an odd question for Barry to be asking out loud of all things but he continued scratching at his facial hair before he noticed something. He was the source of that smell. He was extremely musky and even some of his chest looked like it had been sweating overnight. “I better go shower and forget about this whole.” Barry stumbled over to his bathroom, ignoring how much heavier he felt as he undressed. Was he sure that he didn’t actually end up getting drunk last night? It would definitely explain a lot. But as he headed to the bathroom, trying his best not to admire his new hair, he immediately got to work by shaving it all off, trying to ignore his own smell too as he finally shaved his beard and most of his body hair. He turned on the shower and already Barry began to feel strange as he checked the water with his hand and continued to feel heavier. It was almost as if his body was just not adjusted for standing on two legs. He almost wanted to droop down as he barely noticed his biceps beginning to grow slightly and how much more hunched over he became as he continued checking the water, before finally deciding to step into the shower. “Just need to get clean.” Barry began rubbing the bar of soap against his legs, ignoring how he never even remembered having it in his bathroom. As if automated he just ignored his worriment and his body automatically continued rubbing it against his thighs. Almost instantly Barry grunted as he began to feel a sudden striking pain in his leg that quickly faded as he saw his leg beginning to grow. His thigh began to thicken, widening to the point that the slivers of musculature that could be seen were now well defined and his leg almost grew heavier, suddenly landing down into the shower and planting itself there as if rooted down. “What the hell is this?” Barry tried to grab at his thigh for just a moment, especially as he saw that his foot was beginning to lengthen, crawling against the floor and though his toes were perhaps an inch or so from the drain, by the time his foot had finished pushing forward, they were now covering it. He heard the snap of fingers in his mind and Barry stopped, eyes suddenly falling blank as his body automatically rubbed the bar of soap against his other leg and watched as it grew too, his thighs thickening with muscle to match his other leg and even all the blemishes and cuts from his skin faded away into nothingness. Soon great bits of hair began to grow over his just shaved legs and as Barry struggled to move or do anything else, he saw his own arm reaching up with the same bar of soap, the whispering in his mind getting louder and louder. No! Stop! Why can’t I move? “Barry must obey…” The superhero said in a dull monotone, eyes glazed over as he continued trembling, trying to think of some clever way out of this. But he couldn’t. Only now noticing that the bar of soap smelled even muskier than himself, he moved it closer to his underarm, allowing it to waft under his nose for just a moment and he realised that it smelled exactly like Grodd. No! Must stop! Barry rubbed the soap underarm and watched as something similar occured, his own biceps beginning to suddenly appear as if he spent all his time saving people in the gym, and smelling more like he had just come from there. His skin almost creaked, the muscles stretching with a thickness that almost resembled leather, like everything about his own body was just so inorganic at that very moment. His head swam with both pleasure and fear as his own arms expanded with musculature and growth, the same muscle definition as his legs coming to meet them and the same heaviness too. Come on Barry…You have to focus… As if sensing this in some sort of premonition, his one muscular bicep flexed and caused him to feel the tightness of the muscle, the great feeling of sucking in air to hold in the flexed position and watching that definition of his muscles just grow that much deeper, even if temporary. Arm…so big…need more.. Barry’s thoughts were slowing down as he rubbed the soap against his other arm allowing it to grow too. Both of his hand appeared just slightly too large for his own arms, causing him to hunched down whenever he wasn’t constantly focused on standing up straight as the fingertips stretched out. His pits now were the first to see the growth of hair, with only some hair sprinkling his chest but being more than enough to let the brainwashing and pleasure teasing musk be right under his nose constantly. With his hands now changed, the fingers clumsily wrapped around the shower handle, switching it off but taking just a couple seconds too long to figure out how. Barry could feel that with his own thoughts slowing down, his intellect was draining as he was becoming more primal, more devolved, even finding himself unable to remember his name, just thinking of himself as me. Need…stop… Cant… Barry stepped out of the shower, dropping the bar of soap and instead picking up a can of deodorant that he definitely didn’t remember. He couldn’t tell if it was for the fact he could barely think anymore as his body constantly flexed his biceps as if to further wipe out his intellect and remind him of the muscley man he was now, or if it was another part of Master Grodd’s plans. Wait…Master? Barry didn’t think too much about it. He didn’t think too much about anything as he wrapped a towel around himself and his dripping crotch, feeling it throb simultaneously whilst his muscles flexed and he sprayed himself. Instead of being clean, it was just as musky as ever, and Barry saw his lean body become something more like Oliver Queen. His muscles grew larger, the chest shifting and allowing the development of two well crafted pecs to grace his upper chest. All while his already impressive lower chest was now even more so, as his abs followed in pursuit of great growth and appealing musculature. His abs were now a carved out six pack, skin sinking and some sapping away to further highlight the muscles. His back stretched out as it widened, growing slightly and causing Barry to appear taller than he already was and with his muscled body, far more domineering. Me can’t stop… Barry accepted it as fact as he started to see his own nose sniff at the musk and beginning to widen, being the first feature of his face to be affected as it continued to shift. His face widened to accommodate his thicker neck giving way to a deeper and almost inhuman voice of slurred speech as a sprinkle of hair grew on his chiselled jaw. The cheekbones of the former hero turned dumb devolved jock changed, growing slightly further apart and lower on his face. All the while his brow became more prominent, enough to notice, but not to look too inhuman as his eyebrows curved inwards and his eyes darkened, as if losing that spark of intellect and wonder. As Barry’s ears widened and became more prominent, he heard a knock at the door just as his towel fell away. He lumbered over towards the door as the last drifting memories of Barry Allen recognised the man as Ralph, a member of his little Flash team. “Barry? Where is Barry? Who the hell are you?” asked the man, though the words took a little longer to understand. “Me Barry, Master Grodd’s now,” said Barry in his new deep and slower voice. He flexed one last time to show the absolute power and greatness his new master bestowed upon him. Being dumb and muscular was great, the musk was great, and soon he could see his little visitor agreeing as the musk began to cause the hairs on their face to start thickening into a beard. Barry’s cock was still rock hard and dripping, begging to fill a hole and have someone new to please himself and further please his new master. -- source link
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