tonystarks:FLEUR’SGOODBYE 2020 + 15K FOLLOW FOREVER So…. 2020 huh??? The past year has beenfucking w
tonystarks:FLEUR’SGOODBYE 2020 + 15K FOLLOW FOREVER So…. 2020 huh??? The past year has beenfucking whack, absolutely fucking insane and im glad to leave it behind. Buthonestly as much as i hated 2020, so many amazing things happened to me thisyear too?? I graduated, got my dream job and bought my first car. All prettyamazing things if you think about it. And right now!!! just at the end of 2020(yesterday to be exact) i reached 15k!!!! which is a huge milestone i’ve beenworking towards for the past months, so thank you all so very very much formaking it possible for me to end 2020 with a bang! Anotheramazing thing to happen to me this year was me creating the womans discordserver (now called bulbfam) and all the incredible people in there who, quitehonestly, to me have become a bit of a family (talk about a found family tropehuh). They were right there with me through so many amazing (and less amazing)things that happened to me this year (they actually fucking watched mygraduation via mc teams how cool is that) and i’m eternally grateful to haveall of them in my life (like kate said: yall my assigned vibe checkers, mybeloved bullies, voices of reason when im being a fool again). So before icontinue with the rest of my follow forever i wanna give these babes a specialshout out. I love you all so fucking much: @ww84 @daisylouisejohnson @vicspedretti @annelisters @conorsleslie @cillianmurphy @hannahsgrose @hannahjohn-kamen @konkey-bong @jodiewhittakerr @posh-with-2-fields @beauregvrdlionett @timeslord @argentsallison @teksasha @danstorrance@jacksheridan @timothyolyphant Andwithout further ado. my follow forever under the cut, thank you all so much formaking my dash a little brighter, more exciting and waayyy more gorgeous!!! Keep reading -- source link
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