biomedicalephemera:biomedicalephemera:biomedicalephemera:It’s true: The Canada Goose (Branta canaden
biomedicalephemera:biomedicalephemera:biomedicalephemera:It’s true: The Canada Goose (Branta canadensis) was believed to be either functionally or fully extinct in the wild, and multiple subspecies were believed to be extinct altogether, back in the mid-1900s. Read more about the re-discovery and recovery of Branta canadensis maxima.THEY WONT STOP ATTACKING MY CAR(Truthfully, I love the big jerks; they’re amazing parents and the poster child for critically endangered species recovering - but DAMNIT I JUST WANT MY PANERA NOT YOUR STUPID BABIES, LEAVE ME ALONE)This is correct, and I didn’t phrase this particularly well either in this post or the original - while all subspecies of Canada Goose were found to be threatened or endangered under the Endangered Species act of 1973 (and were known to be so well before then), the Giant Canada Goose was the only one ever thought to be extinct in the wild. That said, the massive flying hateboats that are the Giant Canada Goose are the primary problem for me (in Central Minnesota) these days, so forgive me if I seem slightly biased towards their annoyingly impressive recovery. -- source link
#reblog#canada goose#endangered species