Well, did you? With the help of Clement Winston, we are still clinging to the last dregs of Hallowee
Well, did you? With the help of Clement Winston, we are still clinging to the last dregs of Halloween before the winter holidays make their premature, desperately commercial debut. We love how Winston enveloped his nickname in the drapery of this cute little ghost. From the Clement and Sophie Winston papers (1903-1990, undated).Call number: Ms. Coll. 1344http://ow.ly/jPO930ldZPG* * *#ghost #clementwinston #halloween #doodlemania #ghost #sketch #doodle #kislakcenter #pennlibraries #preservation #scpc #specialcollectionshttps://www.instagram.com/p/BppI9eblyza/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=cqgt1juxpyrf -- source link
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