Come join Lewd Haven’s discord! h
Come join Lewd Haven’s discord! Rules:1. No spam or excessive caps.2. Do not kinkshame. Our banned content list is below, posting and discussing the below results in a permaban:- 3D Lolicon (CP)3. DO NOT add/remove people without the permission of admin and owners.4. No members allowed under the age of 18. This is a strict rule. Anyone found out to be under 18 will be banned immediately.5. Do not complain about the content posted. If it is not your thing please ignore it or report it to admin.6. If you would like to be given a role please request it in role_request and admin will get to you ASAP.7. Respect admin. If there is an issue with our admin take it up with the owner –> Haru (Georgia) <–8. Respectother members and their privacy. If you have an issue with someone pressuring or bullying you please contact admin.9. Do not spam emojis, images, ect.10. Do not advertise other groups in the Discord. -- source link
#hentai#discord#gaming#bestiality#lewdhaven#kawaii#roleplay#hentai picutres#lolicon#tentacles#tentacle#group chat#chatroom#discord server#love it#kinkshame free#no bullying