Outrage is important. It is the emotional white blood cells that swarm a problem. But don’t wa
Outrage is important. It is the emotional white blood cells that swarm a problem. But don’t waste it. Use it on actual injustice. An over active immune system can kill you. . Whenever someone is freaking out over nothing… When their world has come undone because she won’t text back, or the airline lost their luggage, or they got another parking ticket… I want to point to the sky and say, ‘uhm, we’re floating on a boulder in space, spinning at an incredible speed, exploding away from the big bang, held down by gravity by some arbitrary rule of physics. We’re made of molecules that came from dead stars. Dead. Stars. There’s only so much organic material on this planet, meaning it is endlessly recycled. Meaning some part of you was probably part of a dinosaur. For you to exist, every single one of your ancestors had to survive long enough to procreate, all the way back to the Stone Age and monkeys and small mammals and reptiles and fish and cells.. You are an unbroken chain of successful sex… Everything is a miracle… So calm your ass down.’ . I’m tempted to say all that. But I usually just say 'Oh man. Sorry about all that. Want a La Croix?’ . : @samanthamarq -- source link