“I have never thought about bisexuality. I mean, for myself, you know? But, as a scientist, I know t

“I have never thought about bisexuality. I mean, for myself, you know? But, as a scientist, I know t
“I have never thought about bisexuality. I mean, for myself, you know? But, as a scientist, I know t
“I have never thought about bisexuality. I mean, for myself, you know? But, as a scientist, I know t
“I have never thought about bisexuality. I mean, for myself, you know? But, as a scientist, I know t
“I have never thought about bisexuality. I mean, for myself, you know? But, as a scientist, I know t
“I have never thought about bisexuality. I mean, for myself, you know? But, as a scientist, I know t