sunshinesmoak:It’s that time of the year where Isi gets older and crazier with each passing year :
sunshinesmoak: It’s that time of the year where Isi gets older and crazier with each passing year :) I want to thank everyone who makes my tumblr experience so so so so wonderful, filling it with gifs, graphics, fics, nice messages, metas, etc and every single follower that somehow puts up with me and my blogging (you guys have a gift, idk how you do it). I will probably forget someone and get some how-dare-you-not-include-me-in-your-follow-forever thoughts sent my way (I know you will lol ;) I do that too) but hey, if we’re mutuals, or I simply follow you, you have a place here :) a b c a-little-blonde-distraction absentlyabbie alisonsarrow alisonscode allensqueens allstartstofade alwaysbemygirlfelicity amellrickards anthfan arsenalroy athossqueen badassbellamyblake badasslexa befitandchase behtyl bluemoonfireworks bonneibennett bowsinherhair bravebadassprincess caitlinsnowflakes callistawolf cecevolume colinodonorgasm cutiepieforbes d e f g deanwinxhester desertwolfs dhfreak doe-eyed-girly-evil dormeresque dreamsarefleeting effie214 emmasducklings emsfinity erica-dreams-in-colour eternityofklaroline everylastline fadingtales fe-li-ci-ty felicity-smoakqueen felicityremarkablesmoak felicitysmoakh felicitysss fromfanontocanon geckowinchesters goldcaught h j k l harness-the-light heystrippah hopedreamlovepray humansrsuperior hummingbirds-and-champagne hybridlovelies hybridtunnelvision jaimeelannis jbuffyangel jomosfamilyjewels josephmorqans kcismyreligion klaraholic klarochristmas klarolineepiclove klausswordholder ladymalfoi letitsnowbarry liamccalls lilbreck livingdeadblondequeen lydiamarhtin m n o p maevelin marystuardt margoatrobbie mikaelshake mimozka missallydia natbucky niklausswagger no-one-seesyou-likeido nonplatoniccircumstances oberynmatell ohlicity ohmypreciousgirl ohsmoak olicities olicitysbond olicitysqueen originalgroupie parallel-outlines pauleski prattschris puzzledhat r s t radientwings realynn8 releaseurinhibitions roseprimed rosewolfy rosietwiggs rupertpnk sarcasticfina sassyaccola sentence-fragments serenasnotebook seriouslymilady shipatfirstsight simmonsmorse smoakandarrow smoakingarrow smoakinhotqueen smoaksolicitys sohpiabush temptation-waits thedenimofrose theirhappystory thisisrealitsreal tommymerlyns w y # wardquake westsnows willowaus wittyfelicity youreallysoldit 1994damon 500-years-of-solitude + blogroll -- source link
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