renafromtheheart: soooo-boored: spectacularinbetween: purpleelephant4life: atomic-glitter: a-tribe-c
renafromtheheart: soooo-boored: spectacularinbetween: purpleelephant4life: atomic-glitter: a-tribe-called-tress: prettywordsdie: im-a-good-girl-i-am: medusa-seduce-ya: be-blackstar: flyandfamousblackgirls: neverbeensimpleminded: alltheresonzwhyimme: jr40402011: thefrayedsoul: blaqlikelucifer: lov3ofdarkn3ss: jr40402011: blaqlikelucifer: lov3ofdarkn3ss: Good question…. Who wants to answer…. Share it if you must…. No you can’t.If you’re going to be pro-anything the ideology or the concept must first be born inside you and be your lifestyle, otherwise it’s just lip service. Like how you pro-black but you don’t want your children to be Black? Or rather you don’t want them to have a Black mother and Black father. ^^^^ real shit! I tell people all the time. You can’t be pro-black and date outside your race. Like, “i love bm/bw” but you dating a white men/women. Fuck-out-of-here. Black People like that are full of shit! Hate to break it to you but its possible. Atleast here in Western Society. Even Black people here on Tumblr. Im not naming no pages but some of the pages that promote Positive images of Black Women, which so happen to a Black woman as an admin, date White boys. Truth be told, there isn’t any instructions on how to be Pro-Black. So youll have outlets like Tumblr here and Twitter telling what Pro-Black entails. Now if you identify with Pan-Afrikanism then that’s completely different. Like I said those people are simply playing lip service. You can post pictures and write sonnets and soliloquies about the beauty of Black women, Black Love, Black Men, etc, etc, BUT, and the operative conjunction is BUT, your life does not match your words then it don’t mean shit.If you want to see an ideal realized, you must first embody it. There are plenty of instructions on how to be pro-Black, but you’re not gonna find them in 160 character tweets, or instagram pages. There are a plethora of Black scholars that Black tumblr, and Black Twitter and Black people consistently ignore. So that’s not an excuse, it’s a deficit caused by ignorance and triteness. love who you love. You can love black people and support the pro black movement and be black while also dating non black. My heart doesn’t see color and if i vibe with you then I vibe with you. With that being said, you would have to have certain ideals and values that are in line with mine but assuming they are then we good. All of y'all are full-of-shit! You Pro-Black and don’t see color. What! I don’t know how to feel about this post ….. I love this question a and quote , I feel the same you can’t be pro-black and be with a white person. Because if your really strong believer in your culture how do you expect a white to really and truly understand it and be comfortable with it Chime into the discussion, yall. It’s a good question. This is not a good question…yes, obviously you can. John Legend isn’t married to a black woman and he’s more pro-black than Common who has consistently dated black women. However, it is important to question patterns/privilege…make sure you’re attraction is free of idolization/fetishism and that your partner is consistently working on/unlearning anti-blackness. For example, black men disproportionately marry out of their race. Black women are the most uncoupled race of women and considered to be the least attractive. In a world of misogynoir, I’m not going to act like the pattern of black men marrying non-black women is just chance (and not systemtic). However, it does not mean that its not possible. YOU CAN BE PRO-BLACK AND DATE/MARRY NON-BLACK. This post instantly made my head hurt. Just because someone is pro black and is dating someone outside of their race, that doesn’t mean they don’t want their children to be black. Because newsflash, they still will be. Also black and white are not the only interracial relationships. There’s too many different ethnicities, cultures, races for the world to pretend that a black man and a white woman are the poster children for interracial relationships. You can love what you came from, who you are, fight for your people and if you happen to love someone who isn’t black, so what? At the end of the day, you cannot help who you fall in love with. It’s almost the same thing as what happened when Kendrick was attacked because his fiancé is a light skinned black woman and people felt that he was a hypocrite and a “coon” because his music was saying something different. The ONLY time it becomes a problem is if you are slandering black men/women through internalized hate, if your purposely seeking out to date another race because you think people are flavors you can try, If you’re contributing to colorism and fetishizing, and if you’re uplifting another race while simultaneously putting down yours or even before you uplift yours. Reblogging from for the last comment!!! This post is bullshit. My grandfather married my Vietnamese grandmother and I swear I will slap every last person, not an ounce of joking, who tries to tell me he was any less pro black for falling in love at war! You don’t chose who you fall in love with or when, interracial dating is not a problem and does not make you less pro black, dating someone specifically because they aren’t black does. Unfollow me if you feel differently. Seriously, my grandfather is my hero and the only person in my life who taught me to love my blackness at a younger age. I agree with the last two comments. Dating outside my race shouldn’t and doesn’t erase my love for my culture and for my people. I also agree with them. Even tho I love black men and I’m in a relationship with a black man. I feel as tho it is possible to date outside of your race and also be pro black. I feel as tho, like what was said before, you’d just have to come to an understanding with your spouse about your pro blackness and make sure fetishes aren’t the reason for your engagement. And exactly. There is more than black and white. Those comments definitely said it best. What do y'all think?? People wanna talk about being pro-Black but then they look for every reason to push other Black people out of the movement. Mixed Blacks ain’t Black enough, Black people with non-Black spouses can’t be pro-Black… Pro-Black my ass. Look, if your non-Black partner is respectful and pro-Black and you’re not exclusively dating outside of your race/exclusively attracted to non-Black people, then you can still be pro-Black. When you’re looking for every reason to tell Black people they’re not Black enough to be part of this movement, then you might not be as pro-Black as you think. You can definitely be pro black and be with a non black person. There are tons of non black people who are pro black themselves, especially where I come from. I live in a military community and we have practically every race you could possibly think of. We all support and back up each other. So I 100% agree that you can be pro black and be with a non black person. I’ve seen it done numerous times. Who’s rule was it that you can’t date outside your race. If I date a white person or any other race that isn’t black that isn’t going to take away from the fact that I still know and acknowledge my peoples struggles and I love them any less. I’ll still fight for my people bc I’m black first. It shouldn’t matter what color the person is that I’m dating. It’s my damn business anyway. Reblogging for the last few comments. It’s only a problem if you date outside of your race because you’re one of those people who believes in “cleansing their bloodline” by marrying or having kids with someone who is non-black. If that’s the objective then you can’t claim to be pro-black. A true person with a good heart can love themselves, their culture and where they are from COMPLETELY and love someone else simply for that very same self-love. If you find ANYONE who not only loves their own culture, but seeks to not only respect, but learn yours, KEEP them. Black people aren’t the only one’s screaming #BlackLivesMatter You do not have to be BLACK to be PRO BLACK. You may not get to live IN that skin, but pro mean for and not against, and you do not have to be Black to be FOR Black advancement. Also, as said before Black & white couples are the poster child for interracial couples, but there is Hispanic, Native American, Asian, etc. which are all NON-Black and NON white races. We don’t look at these couples the same way we look at Black with White because the topic of society is always BLACK VS WHITE. So if you’re only gonna name “Black with White” and not any other grouping, so that the Black vs White story can validate your point on what Pro Black means (which does not and never has meant or should not mean nor does it equal to Anti white), then well, stop…I myself WANT a Black man, and Beautiful BLACK CHILDREN and I say shame to those who ONLY marry non black JUST to get mixed kids…..But for those who are unapologetically Black and date someone who in unapologetically in love with someone Black. Power to them! “The white man” hates seeing non blacks stand with blacks anyway. There is power in all unity, not just Black unity but I believe in BLACK love no less Pro-black bimale verse would marry black female n marry white male top -- source link
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