care-bear-panties: hypnoswriter:I frowned and scratched my head, looking at the young man skeptica
care-bear-panties: hypnoswriter: I frowned and scratched my head, looking at the young man skeptically. He’d just moved into the house next door and I’d stopped in to say hello and drop off some of my mom’s cooking as a gift to welcome him to the neighborhood. He was cute, attractive and a bit older than me. My guess was mid-twenties, he looked like he could be a TA at the university that I went to during the school year. Given the fact that he’d just bought one of the nicer houses on the block, and clearly seemed to live alone, I figured that he probably did something with computers. Software developers seemed to have money, and at his age that seemed a reasonable explanation for how he’d be able to afford the house. I had not expected him to introduce himself as a world famous hypnotist. “Sorry, you’re what?” I asked, trying not to laugh. He might as well have said that he was a rodeo clown for all the credibility that a stage hypnotist had with me. I was skeptical of that sort of thing. It was like magic, nothing that actually existed, just something that people liked to play along with. People wanted to act out and so they let themselves be “hypnotized” so that they could get attention onstage. Just like a magician didn’t really saw a woman in half a hypnotist certainly couldn’t control minds or make people do anything. He laughed, seeing that I was trying not to, which gave me permission to laugh. Clearly he was used to that sort of reaction. “Well I guess I’m not that world famous if you’ve never heard of me,” he admitted, “but I do perform all around the world and I am a hypnotist. So, forgive me if I wanted to give myself a of a showy title when meeting my cute neighbor.” I blushed and accepted his offer to come in and put the baking on his kitchen counter. I wasn’t good at flirting, but I knew when someone was doing it to me. I let my hair cover my face a little to hopefully hide the shade of red I was turning. Setting my mom’s cooking down on his kitchen counter I decided to ask a few questions of him, since though I didn’t believe in hypnotism it was at least an interesting profession. “So you do shows where people act like chickens and things like that?” I asked. “Well my shows tend to be adult orientated, so very few chickens. Mostly I help people unlock their fantasies, and they live them out on stage for the enjoyment of the audience,” he said, shrugging. He leaned against the counter next to me, his hands shoved into his jean pockets. “So you make people who want to be strippers anyway, strip?“ “Sometimes, yes. Hypnosis helps people act out fantasies they might have but never really take action on. But it also helps people discover what their actual fantasies are, deep down. And a good hypnotist, a skilled hypnotist, can help people find new fantasies. My suggestions become their thoughts, and so they may do something that they’d never consider doing before just because they want to please me,” he said. “So if I were at a show what would I see?” I asked. “Well you’d likely see my spiral. I bring it out to help give my subjects a focusing point to watch.”“But I wouldn’t volunteer,” I said. “Oh? Why not, are you afraid of what fantasy you might unlock?” he said. It sounded like he was teasing, but his voice was serious. I swallowed, feeling suddenly hot. “I just don’t believe in hypnosis, I wouldn’t want to ruin your show by not going under,” I explained. “Oh of course. That’s very thoughtful. I mean it would be terrible if I tried to hypnotize you and you didn’t sink deeply into trance like everyone else on stage. I could see it, I ask you to look deeply into my eyes, just like you’re doing now, and I tell you to relax and breath deeply and keep taking deep breaths as you look deep into my eyes. And as you do that you don’t become hypnotized, you just relax a little and sink deeply listening to my voice. It would be so embarrassing for me if you just looked deeply into my eyes but didn’t get hypnotized deeply, just sank down relaxing more and more. But not getting hypnotized.” I nodded, but didn’t say anything. His eyes were deep and blue, and I felt myself relaxing. Breathing deep. It felt good and comfortable and of course I wasn’t being hypnotized, we were just talking about how I wouldn’t be hypnotized. “Not getting hypnotized as you relax and sink down. Each breath relaxing you, each word guiding you more deeply. Deeply into my eyes, no thoughts, no worries. Not getting hypnotized as you relax more now. Sinking, deeply. Now if you were hypnotized you’d want to resist obeying my commands. But since you’re only very relaxed, deeply relaxed, you don’t need to think about resisting. It will be fun to simply listen to my voice and carry out anything I suggest.” He reached up and stroked my neck. “Remove your clothes now, but keep your bra and panties on,” he said. Since I wasn’t hypnotized I didn’t bother trying to not do it. Instead I was just talking with someone who had asked me to do something so very natural and I wanted to make him happy. I wanted to welcome him to the neighborhood. I undressed. “Good Girl. It’s nice to listen to what I say and do it, even if you’re not hypnotized. Even if you just sink more deeply now. No thoughts and no worries. Now take a deep breath and sleep,” he said and snapped his fingers. My eyes closed and everything went dark. Even though it’s total bullshit it’s cool having a hypnotist next door. I’m always over, we’ve kind of been fucking a lot. I don’t believe in what he does, it’s a load of crap, but he’s cute and such a fantastic lover. He says he needs an assistant and I want to go with him on tour to Europe. My mother said no, but then after talking one on one with our neighborhood hypnotist she changed her mind. So I’m going to spend the next year traveling around as his Good Girl. I really hope Master’s show does well, I mean since hypnosis is fake I’m just surprised he can make a living doing it. im agood igrlogod igls oeybiobey ineed to obey please mak emeobey i nede toobey -- source link
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