We’re attending Animalistik! We have 7 free passes for GGR girls, and we will also shoot there If yo
We’re attending Animalistik! We have 7 free passes for GGR girls, and we will also shoot there If you’d like to get free pass or shoot, comment “+pass” and/or “+shoot” below! To increase your odds of getting free pass or being able to schedule a shoot, 1️⃣ Like this post and tag your friends who may also be interested! (1 tag = 1 entry) 2️⃣ Share this post to your story, tag GGR and comment “+story” (10 entries). 3️⃣ If you bio tagged GGR, comment “+bio” (5 entries) ✅ See you there this Saturday! ✨ (at Galt, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/BumbYxzhbvs/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=12x2xydld1out -- source link