galadhir:xgfan:When I started Stargate, I got thepart, I was sooothrilled to have this incrediblecha
galadhir:xgfan:When I started Stargate, I got thepart, I was sooothrilled to have this incrediblecharacter, to be playing someone in the military and I had somuch respect, to be playing someone who’s so smart and so liberatedand… I thought, “Yes!”I had two weeks to move from Toronto toVancouver. I flew out there, I had my first wardrobe fitting. And oneof the things that was in… the thing that was in thewardrobe room was a very low-cut tank top and a push-up bra…And I turned to the costume designer -whom I’ve worked with since, who’s wonderful - and I said, “What…What is this?”And she said “Well, they wanna seewhat you look like in it.”And I said, “…but this… nobodyin the military, no captain in the US airforce would wearthis… while her male counterparts are wearing crew neck T-shirtsand… I c… I… I can’t do it!”And she said, “Well, they just wannasee what you look like and take a picture and…”I was like “…”And I panicked because Ithought I have just been given this amazing opportunity - Ididn’t know it would last 10 years but I knew it was gonnabe a kick-ass show - and I was like… “I can’t do it…”And I started to cry and I said, “Youhave to go upstairs and tell them I’m not doing it. And if it meansthat they recast the part then recast the part but you’ve cast asmart woman and you’ve cast somebody who’s nevertried to get a job based on her looks or her body. I’ve alwaysplayed strong, smart women, I… I can’t do it. So if they wannarecast the part I totally get it but I’m not playing thatversion of this character.”But I’m saying this while I’mblubbering because I’m suffering that I’ve just lost maybe thebest job of my career… And so she said, “Okay” and I said,“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’ve neverbeen difficult, I don’t… but I can’t do that!”So she went upstairs and she came backdown and she said, “Okay, no problem.”And I said, “Okay, so what’s mycostume?”And she said, “Well…”And I said, “Just… What are the guyswearing?”So she handed me a black T-Shirt andthe BDUs, which is what my character would wear in the field with hermale counterparts, and that’s where we went from there.But that to me was the defining momentof… And I still cry about itbecause I still remember that young woman on the verge of breakinginto the… new something big, being petrified that she was gonnaloose it, but… I knew that I couldn’t play the TNA version of SamCarter.And to the powers-that-be, greatcredit, I don’t think that it was Brad or Jonathan or Rob or any ofthose guys who were asking for it, I think it might have been, youknow, much higher up. But to their great credit they were like, “No,absolutely not. She’s… okay, whatever she’s comfortable in.”And… thank God that they went thatroute. But that was… that was one of the defining moments.~ Amanda Tapping ~Shore Leave 2013 @luvtheheaven you were curious about this -- source link
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