cryptidglamour: for transgender day of visibility i wanted to make a post documenting some of my jou
cryptidglamour: for transgender day of visibility i wanted to make a post documenting some of my journey. the first pic is me when i was little, the second is about a week before I started testosterone in January 2015. The third pic is me after finally getting my bandages off after getting top surgery in September 2015. the fourth and fifth pics are both about a month post op. the sixth and seventh are from this January after a year on testosterone and almost 5 months post op. the eighth picture is my new passport photo. and the last picture is me now, a year and 4 months on testosterone and 7 months post op. after identifying as agender for about 2 years I started testosterone, with my initial goal just to be more androgynous. after a little while on testosterone, my gender identity got confusing again, i identified as trans male, I started using he/him pronouns, which I still use. after getting top surgery any feelings i had about my level of masculinity shifted again, and I no longer identify as trans male. throughout 2016 to today, I view myself as a collection of ungendered traits I’ve absorbed through my upbringing, and I don’t consider myself any singular gender or combination of genders. throughout my transition, which is still in progress, I’m so thankful for the mother i have and the friends that I’ve made and kept that have kept me alive and thriving. I’m still learning to love every aspect of my trans body and soul, and i have my good and bad days, and hope I continue to discover myself and grow. -- source link