nimbasas:ℱrom the base of its tail, Salandit can emit both a toxic gas and flames. The gas has a swe

nimbasas:ℱrom the base of its tail, Salandit can emit both a toxic gas and flames. The gas has a swe
nimbasas:ℱrom the base of its tail, Salandit can emit both a toxic gas and flames. The gas has a swe
nimbasas:ℱrom the base of its tail, Salandit can emit both a toxic gas and flames. The gas has a swe
nimbasas:ℱrom the base of its tail, Salandit can emit both a toxic gas and flames. The gas has a swe
nimbasas:ℱrom the base of its tail, Salandit can emit both a toxic gas and flames. The gas has a swe
nimbasas:ℱrom the base of its tail, Salandit can emit both a toxic gas and flames. The gas has a swe