embarrassingnewds: Sketches studies and other stuff that’s not going to be finished before my Tumblr
embarrassingnewds: Sketches studies and other stuff that’s not going to be finished before my Tumblr execution date. Thanks to the almost 3000 people who liked my art enough to put it on their dash, and a very special thanks to everyone who reached out to ask a question or get a commission. WHERE TO FIND ME AFTER TUMBLR (In order of most to least active) http://www.furaffinity.net/user/newd/ https://twitter.com/tastefulnewds https://e621.net/post/index/1/newd (my artist tag on e621, thanks to everyone who has uploaded my stuff to it, I never get much traction when I upload my own stuff) https://newdsgrounds.newgrounds.com/ https://piczel.tv/gallery/newd https://beta.furrynetwork.com/newd/ https://www.hentai-foundry.com/user/newd/ Good bye tumblr friends. Present them nipples. Night reblog of forbidden content. Now with working twitter address. -- source link