holyromanhomo:scarimor:yaminoendo:scarimor:calitrophywife:eriklehnsherrs:Emma Watson addresses Vanit
holyromanhomo:scarimor:yaminoendo:scarimor:calitrophywife:eriklehnsherrs:Emma Watson addresses Vanity Fair photo controversyWasn’t she the one saying shut about Beyoncé but ☕️No she wasn’t. On the contrary, Emma Watson praised Beyonce’s feminism, in a long discussion article in which she talked about how Beyonce takes control of the male gaze that’s so ubiquitous in music videos, and owns it, defying the common instruction to women in the business to present the illusion of their availability to men who watch; and how what Beyonce does broadens feminism and how empowering Beyonce’s feminism is. And then white male media pushing assholes lifted two lines out of it to quote out of context to fool folk into thinking she criticised her instead. Because misogynists hate women and feminism and want to divide us. It was that asshole Piers Morgan, right? He does this kind of shit all the time, he’s too scared of women that won’t bow down to men and lick their feet. I’m still paying to the universe for him to fall in a pit, preferently one that goes to Hell.yeah he was the latest, which prompted Emma Watson to tweet the 2014 article so everyone can see her fangirling Beyonce.FEMINISM IS NOT A STICK WITH WHICH TO BEAT OTHER WOMEN WITHSomeone tattoo this on my forehead, also thank fucking god someone finally responded to this because I’ve been beyond tired of hearing misinformation about Emma Watson. -- source link