The domes of Rome: 1 Pantheon, 126 AD 2 Santa Maria di Loreto, 1507-1582, architect Antonio da Sanga

The domes of Rome: 1 Pantheon, 126 AD 2 Santa Maria di Loreto, 1507-1582, architect Antonio da Sanga
The domes of Rome: 1 Pantheon, 126 AD 2 Santa Maria di Loreto, 1507-1582, architect Antonio da Sanga
The domes of Rome: 1 Pantheon, 126 AD 2 Santa Maria di Loreto, 1507-1582, architect Antonio da Sanga
The domes of Rome: 1 Pantheon, 126 AD 2 Santa Maria di Loreto, 1507-1582, architect Antonio da Sanga