moriartium-formula:#the fact that he takes the time to put on gloves kill me #i mean it’s not like
moriartium-formula:#the fact that he takes the time to put on gloves kill me #i mean it’s not like he could get bothered with people finding his fingerprints #he became a public figure after this #so really #why bother #i don’t even think he once left his fingerprints anywhere suspicious #And it’s not like he kills people himself #I just find this tremendously funny #and cute #Like #HEY JAMES MORIARTY COMITING A CRIME HERE #EXCEPT NOT REALLY #BUT JUST SO IT LOOKS MORE LEGIT I’M GOING TO WEAR GLOVES #CAUSE THAT’S WHAT CRIMINALS DO #EXCEPT I’M DOING IT WHILE DANCING #AND BASICALLY BETTER THAN ANYONE ELSE #CANT AFFORD TO BE ORDINARY -- source link