iwouldvebeendrake01:“Sometimes you’re made to feel like you’re not good-looking enough to get a role
iwouldvebeendrake01:“Sometimes you’re made to feel like you’re not good-looking enough to get a role. I was told once by an actress that it was an interesting choice, my casting, because nobody would usually believe that I would be with somebody like her. That was a kick in the nuts! I was like, ‘All right, now I’ve got to pretend that I really like you for eight more weeks. This is going to be really tough, because you’re so far up yourself.’ It got really interesting, that relationship. And as a shorter man, I sometimes get told I’m too short for a role. Or even when I get a role, I’m made to feel like, ‘well, of course, we’re going to have to do something about that.’” -- source link