geritsel:George Wesley Bellows - Rough and rocky coast- and seascapes

geritsel:George Wesley Bellows - Rough and rocky coast- and seascapes
geritsel:George Wesley Bellows - Rough and rocky coast- and seascapes
geritsel:George Wesley Bellows - Rough and rocky coast- and seascapes
geritsel:George Wesley Bellows - Rough and rocky coast- and seascapes
geritsel:George Wesley Bellows - Rough and rocky coast- and seascapes
geritsel:George Wesley Bellows - Rough and rocky coast- and seascapes
geritsel:George Wesley Bellows - Rough and rocky coast- and seascapes
geritsel:George Wesley Bellows - Rough and rocky coast- and seascapes
geritsel:George Wesley Bellows - Rough and rocky coast- and seascapes