Dear Jenny, I don’t want to be blocked, or stop the conversations on hatred.. I promised yo
Dear Jenny, I don’t want to be blocked, or stop the conversations on hatred.. I promised you I wouldn’t be nasty to you again. And you wouldn’t acknowledge my promise. So I understood you thought the promise was silly and needless, and saw no worth in it, and I wanted to show you what can happen without that promise. I know I can take lots of hard feelings. I knew you wouldn’t come out of this feeling like you won. I want you to learn that the average horse has more courage in being itself than the average religious human being has being itself. A religion is a system of thought that is stuck. The world is never stuck and the wind doesn’t stop. The average horse senses that things are always changing. Whereas the average religious human dulls their own feelings to conform, and resist the acknowledgement of other peoples’ and animals’ power, even when totally overpowered in awe. Still thinking, ‘I can’t acknowledge what I’ve just seen to be worth any praise, because it seemed a bit risky to my own 'father’s’ principles. And I cannot denounce my father’s principles, because I don’t think I know better than my father’. So then everything a religious person experiences is something they need confirmation of. Anything shocking, cannot be interpreted by the self, it has to be confirmed by a 'higher power’ than yourself. It means you are constantly subjugating yourself throughout the day. A baby horse will subjugate itself, and look to its parents and elders for advice. But most adult horses, are not always trying to seek advice from other adult horses. But religious humans are always trying to seek advice from others, in the form of text or any form. Anything something throws them off-guard, a religious person tries to dull their experience, until they can find advice from their religion. Whereas an adult horse, deals with it in their own way, much more independently than a religious human. Much more spontaneous than a religious human. Religious humans 'know’ 'right and wrong’, for their belief system. A horse hasn’t imprisoned themselves in a windless doctrine. It acts on the spot what is felt in the moment. I know you see Satanism as a courageous religion. But no religious person can reach the level of courageousness as an independent non-religious person who thinks on their feet with their own might, their own indoctrination, their own prophetical cues. People like me outpower religious people in every day. Only the creators of religions can be as forthright as me in their beliefs, and still they will always lose against me, because they refuse to acknowledge the existence of the wind. Things can be useful in some situations, and hazardous in other situations. But religions try to list all these things. But they CANNOT list all the things. Because their are something like infinite moments, and the same action is never possible in any two moments. Science acknowledges the need for investigation to come to better conclusions. Religion claims it has finished its investigations and found the perfect arrangements for people. It’s absolute nonsense pardon my English. It’s so obvious the Bible is a collection of different minds. Because there’s blatant contradictions. There’s parts of the Bible I like. And there’s parts I hate. And I definitely don’t respect all of it. Christianity has some better parts than Satanism and vice versa I’m sure. But they are all wrong if they think they are right about everything. When you grow up properly, and you watch people for hours upon hours, you realise that they are all clueless in certain areas. God can’t exist in a human mind, unless the human mind is part God. Satan can’t exist in the human mind unless the mind is part Satan. But these words are meaningless when you look at the diagram of a brain. Because they are meaningless. There is no such thing as God, unless it is another name for 'universe’. There is no such thing as Satan unless it is another word for 'universe’. We are all part of the universe. So if the word God has any meaning at all, then everyone must be part of it. Religious people, and religions, are always trying to preserve mystery as a conservation project. Any time science comes to a surer understanding of something, the religions try to put their foot in and crush that sureness, by talking about mystery. The goal of religion is to keep people living in a mysterious world which no one can ever grasp understanding of, more than the creator of the religion. The creators of religions were never all-encompassing universal beings, they were your ancestor’s neighbours, they were clueless like your current neighbours. Religion is an egotistical excuse for sticking your heels into something you don’t understand, to stop it progressing. The creators of religions have always been human. People don’t make them so often anymore, because they know it’s virtually impossible to be taken seriously, when everyone knows there is no human who can talk more than the internet itself. So although not many new religions are being made, people are still clinging to the old ones, just as children try to brag that their dad knows better than their enemy’s dad. Religion is so childish. Please give it up and live in reality, and try to grasp a better understanding of this world by studying living organisms, that’s all there is. A living organism can express itself better than a rock. If you think the most powerful things in this universe are invisible, you’re barking up the wrong tree. The most powerful things in this world are forthright and not afraid of showing themselves. You already know the most powerful fearless people in the world aren’t shy. So if God was a thing like you thought it was, then tell me why it is such a pussy to show itself. It’s because it’s not there. It’s not anywhere. All this bullshit about 'only believers see God’. Did only 'believers’ see Mike Tyson box? Did Mike Tyson require everyone to believe he existed before he could be on TV? Was that required? No, stop it. Stop trying to conserve mystery. Mike Tyson was able to get on TV and get so many people to watch him, and believe he was the best boxer in the world because he was powerful. He didn’t need special people to understand he existed. He just had to be powerful within himself. There is no body of God, unless we call it 'the universe and everything within’. If you look on YouTube, you can find so much. There is so much experience to be gained. And you come to realise, every living thing is trying. And all that trying, we learn to respect and try to make things easier for ourselves and each other. You think powerful humans keep a low profile? They do not. Vitality, is power. The hermits get colds. The hermits don’t exercise so much. The powerful humans try to inspire other humans to be powerful too usually, because they don’t want to live in a world of decrepit cripples. They experience how much better they feel than the ones on the low. They have heard how many of the ones who keep a low profile talk. Always overprotective of possessions, just always less healthy. The powerful humans aren’t embarrassed by their interests, they are more interested in propagandising their interests than hiding them. So stop saying 'God is powerful’ if you believe it is hiding. Powerful things are very noticeable. People who think they’ve seen God as a figure were just more prone to hallucinations than most people. Religious people are always trying to dampen natural inquisitiveness. Always trying to tell an inquisitive person he is needing to know 'too much’. For Christians, the best the Bible has got, is supposed to be good enough. It’s never enough, there is always more. The Bible teaches that the whole world can be seen from above at a certain point in the sky. The world isn’t the shape of a rolled-out carpet. We know the people who wrote that nonsense weren’t trying to joke, about the world being the shape of a carpet, because they weren’t trying to make the book as a joke. And so 2,100 years ago, people believed in this nonsense. So whenever Satanism was invented, I’m afraid we’ve moved on as people, and the average person knows much better science now, so Satanism is primitive, and becoming more primitive every single day. We are always moving on discovering more truth. Lies can be picked up along the way, but still every day we find more truth. I know Satanism wasn’t born in a lost civilisation. It was this civilisation it started in. And we have made so much progress since then, so give it a break. It has nothing better to offer than all the pages of the internet which don’t even mention Satanism or any other religion for that matter. We can find much more hope and amazement from everything but religion, than religion alone, even all the religions combined alone. Everything but religion is much more amazing and awe inspiring You can gain so much experience from videos. I know you are interested in books, but books are primitive compared to videos. You can’t learn as quickly with books than with videos. And you don’t even have to look at videos to get more knowledge from them, than from reading a book. We can make videos much more quickly informative than a book. A video allows us to pick up information from our ears, and eyes, whereas a book is limited to eyes. Although I know the comfort you experience with a book in your hand, it is not the fastest track to knowledge that we have now. Think of wanting to sew a cardigan. Think of all the diagrams it would take up in a book. But then think of a video, and how humans can now learn the same job more than 3x quicker. It used to be that you felt you needed someone with experience to show you, and they would be hard to find, and definitely not usually available 24 hours a day to just show you there and then. But if you’ve got a fast enough internet connection and a screen and some speakers, it can be so fast compared to how it used to be. You think I came on too strongly. But just imagine how strongly your fictional 'real’ God would have come onto you, if he could come onto you at all. Imagine if it was the most powerful thing in the world, and it could put you straight in a few days, so you would never need spiritual advice again. Think of that, and you think I came on too strongly. Basically you would hate God so much if it was actually real, and had actual power, you probably wouldn’t hate it, but it would sweep you off your feet and put you on a different course quicker and stronger than I did. It’s so sad that people believe God is this thing who won’t do any favours for anyone until they totally submit to him. All these people are doing by saying that, is saying, God is this arrogant cunt who could save the world, but he prefers to sadistically watch everyone do the wrong thing, and not help them out unless they say God is the best guy in the world. If God was any decent being he would do favours for people and then be thanked afterward, instead of needing to be praised before any work done. Basically he’s this arrogant teenager with loads of energy, who just lays in bed until the afternoon, unless someone gives him loads of praise and says they really would like him to put the washing out for them Traditional belief in God is really so lame. But how can we break it down to you religious people. Have I broken it down to a degree? And it seems to be religious people who seem to think they are almost anonymous, even after 400 words of personal conversation. You said I don’t know you, after I got to know so much about you. And you are not the first religious girl to have done that to me. It’s as if you think you are almost invisible no matter how long you’ve stuck around, just like this invisible God you believe in Again, the reason you didn’t get to know me is because you don’t trust your own experiences or the people in those experiences. Because as a religious person you dull your own experiences, and don’t trust yourself. You always subjugate yourself for the religion every day. But I experienced you very deeply and intently, and you’re clearly sweet, shy. If you’re not a 'shy person’, I’m sorry to say, you were very shy in front of me. Maybe because you could tell I was actually interested in you, and you’re not comfortable with people getting to know you deeply, you only want a 'point-based system of people getting to know you’. In other words 'you only wanted to be appreciated for what you admired about yourself on this website’. And you weren’t prepared to discover new things about yourself, or have a feeling of guilt for certain things about yourself. Well I got it, because I got to know you deep enough to point out things you hadn’t felt guilt for before, at least not publicly, maybe privately when you’re the only 1 around for 2 seconds. But this was new for you, and you were shy about it. You don’t think of secrecy as shyness. But I do to a certain extent. Because I’m saying people with lots of vitality don’t want a low profile, they wanna be known so they can make the world more how they want it. Jenny, to get away with something in this world - I don’t know why you would want to if you knew as much as me. I don’t think you would. It’s about how much I can change the world, that’s what I like doing, for the better. Now you’ve experienced what it’s like on the receiving end of sadism, why would you want to give it to others? This didn’t help me feel better, it made me feel misunderstood. I was doing it as a lesson for you, but I admit it was a sadistic lesson yesterday. I started doing it because you ignored my promise and apology. So I felt powerful, but it was lonely to have you being genuinely disturbed and misunderstanding my intentions, when all I wanted to do was make you stronger. So sadism isn’t the best way to make people stronger. But remember Jenny, when you were appalled at humanity for thinking dogs graze the land. Would your sadism have made it so people never became that dumb? I don’t think so, I think if she got a really good education, she could have known that already. What does the sadism in bondage teach? I don’t think it makes the world better educated. You’ve thought a sadistic person, and a submissive person go well together. But I don’t agree. I think a submissive person doesn’t go well on Earth, and a sadistic person doesn’t suit Earth either. Friendly is the way. You enjoy people being nice to you. You like being nasty to people. But I say give what you can take. And even better than that philosophy is to give what you want to take. Give to someone what you want from them. You want humanity to be really intelligent - stay up to 2am teaching loads of people things. Then, you will be able to see humanity is intelligent. And that is the sight you will take. Because you stayed up at 2:19am teaching. I want people to be confident and believe in their own power more, and get stronger, and feel better about themselves… what do you think of what I said? -- source link
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