alwaysbewoke: sneggleblech:the-real-adam-taurus: jlongbone: alwaysbewoke:ephemeralharmony:linguaphil
alwaysbewoke: sneggleblech:the-real-adam-taurus: jlongbone: alwaysbewoke:ephemeralharmony:linguaphiliax:dreamyblackchild: transsexual-power: dreamyblackchild: White folks ain’t going to reblog this. They want their version of MK Jr. that only said “I have a dream”. Guilt tripping white people into reblogging stuff isn’t going to make you have more allies, just saying. It’s not about guilt tripping. It’s about white people, even well-intentioned white allies, being too comfortable in their privilege and not learn more about the complex beliefs of civil right leader MLK Jr other than his “I have a dream” speech. MLK Jr. talked extensively about American Imperialism, Capitalism, and White Fragility/Complicity throughout his career and activism, which most Liberal white allies won’t share because they’re too comfortable with the white lies they were taught in schools. Reblogged. totally agree, however that is still guilt tripping lol here’s the hilarious thing about calling this “guilt tripping.” the psychological definition of a “guilt trip” is an UNJUSTIFIED feeling of guilt induced in someone else. um, what about anything here said about white people that’s “unjustified” or baseless? we’ve got over 400yrs of evidence to back up our statements about white people. we even got studies, research and stats. none of which shows what @dreamyblackchild said to be false. The research suggests that when intolerant white people fear democracy may benefit marginalized people, they abandon their commitment to democracy.Whites See Racism as a Zero-Sum Game That They Are Now LosingMartin Luther King and the ‘polite’ racism of white liberalsWhite Americans long for the 1950s, when they didn’t face so much “discrimination”lmaoo white people love to act like we don’t have centuries of examples of who they are. always want to act brand new. like this suspicion and mistrust of your character isn’t earned every fucking day by your behavior, your treatment of black people, native people, brown people, by who you vote for, who you support with your money, who you tone police, your “jokes” and more. foh! like there isn’t a trail of dead black, native and brown bodies in your wake. we watched y’all whitewash the fuck out of mlk’s legacy (AFTER KILLING HIM BTW) and then tried to use that whitewashed version to limit our fight for liberation and justice to just the acts your comfortable with and then have the fucking nerve to say that calling out your typical behavior to be “guilt tripping?” fuck you.the one other thing i know about “guilt tripping” is that it only works on people with a fucking conscious. foh! You know, as a black woman, i love watching sheltered, depressive malcontents use the words of a civil rights era activist to fuel their 2021 racism. Blaming an entire race for racism is in itself fucking racist and laughably counterproductive. Grow tf up. The shit’s not impressive. ^^^^ He was talking about white liberals anyway man no one lies like a white person who processes to be a christian. especially one who feels the need to put “heterosexual” in their bio.the mlk quote is from his book “where do we go from here: chaos or community?” which he wrote in 1967. i’m linking it here for everyone else because we all know this incel-santa isn’t going to read it. here’s the part of the book that contains this qoute. both the parts before and after it. see if you mlk is talking about white liberals (a lie from pimple puss with a beard) or ALL WHITE PEOPLE.A good many observers have remarked that if equality could come at once the Negro would not be ready for it. I submit that the white American is even more unpreparedThe Negro on a mass scale is working vigorously to overcome his deficiencies and his maladjustments. Wherever there are job-training programs Negroes are crowding them. Those who are employed are revealing an eagerness for advancement never before so widespread and persistent. In the average Negro home a new appreciation of culture is manifest. The circulation of periodicals and books written for Negroes is now in the multimillions while a decade ago it was scarcely past one hundred thousand. In the schools more Negro students are demanding courses that lead to college and beyond, refusing to settle for the crude vocational training that limited so many of them in the past.Whites, it must frankly be said, are not putting in a similar mass effort to reeducate themselves out of their racial ignorance. It is an aspect of their sense of superiority that the white people of America believe they have so little to learn. The reality of substantial investment to assist Negroes into the twentieth century, adjusting to Negro neighbors and genuine school integration, is still a nightmare for all too many white Americans.White America would have liked to believe that in the past ten years a mechanism had somehow been created that needed only orderly and smooth tending for the painless accomplishment of change. Yet this is precisely what has not been achieved. Every civil rights law is still substantially more dishonored than honored. School desegregation is still 90 percent unimplemented across the land; the free exercise of the franchise is the exception rather than the rule in the South; open-occupancy laws theoretically apply to population centers embracing tens of millions, but grim ghettos contradict the fine language of the legislation. Despite the mandates of law, equal employment still remains a distant dream.The legal structures have in practice proved to be neither structures nor law. The sparse and insufficient collection of statutes is not a structure; it is barely a naked framework. Legislation that is evaded, substantially nullified and unenforced is a mockery of law. Significant progress has effectively been barred by the cunning obstruction of segregationists. It has been barred by equivocations and retreats of government— the same government that was exultant when it sought political credit for enacting the measures.In this light, we are now able to see why the Supreme Court decisions, on school desegregation, which we described at the time as historic, have not made history. After twelve years, barely 12 percent school integration existed in the whole South, and in the Deep South the figure hardly reached 2 percent. And even these few schools were in many cases integrated only with a handful of Negroes. The decisions indeed mandated a profound degree of genuine equality; for that very reason, they failed of implementation. They were, in a sense, historical errors from the point of view of white America.Even the Supreme Court, despite its original courage and integrity, curbed itself only a little over a year after the 1954 landmark cases, when it handed down its Pupil Placement decision, in eƒect returning to the states the power to determine the tempo of change. This subsequent decision became the keystone in the structure that slowed school desegregation down to a crawl. Thus America, with segregationist obstruction and majority indiƒerence, silently nibbled away at a promise of true equality that had come before its time. These are the deepest causes for contemporary abrasions between the races. Loose and easy language about equality, resonant resolutions about brotherhood fall pleasantly on the ear, but for the Negro there is a credibility gap he cannot overlook. He remembers that with each modest advance the white population promptly raises the argument that the Negro has come far enough. Each step forward accents an ever-present tendency to backlash.This characterization is necessarily general. It would be grossly unfair to omit recognition of a minority of whites who genuinely want authentic equality. Their commitment is real, sincere, and is expressed in a thousand deeds. But they are balanced at the other end of the pole by the unregenerate segregationists who have declared that democracy is not worth having if it involves equality. The segregationist goal is the total reversal of all reforms, with reestablishment of naked oppression and if need be a native form of fascism. America had a master race in the antebellum South. Reestablishing it with a resurgent Klan and a totally disenfranchised lower class would realize the dream of too many extremists on the right.The great majority of Americans are suspended between these opposing attitudes. They are uneasy with injustice but unwilling yet to pay a significant price to eradicate it.The persistence of racism in depth and the dawning awareness that Negro demands will necessitate structural changes in society have generated a new phase of white resistance in North and South. Based on the cruel judgment that Negroes have come far enough, there is a strong mood to bring the civil rights movement to a halt or reduce it to a crawl. Negro demands that yesterday evoked admiration and support, today—to many—have become tiresome, unwarranted and a disturbance to the enjoyment of life. Cries of Black Power and riots are not the causes of white resistance, they are consequences of it.and now that’s done, fuck this asshole and that person above him pretending to be a black woman.lastly, ain’t it fucked up that something written in 1967 is still true today?!?! damn. -- source link
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