pullthepillarsdown:blackswallowtailbutterfly:oziomathewicked:whaticantremembernow:thatfeministkilljoy:Found these pics on Twitter, thought Id share themIt is Not.That.Easy. I’ve given my number out a few times only to block their calls so that in the moment I would be left alone. Men are entitled and persistent and it’s just not that easy ok.☝☝☝☝Literally the only way I have been able to get certain men to leave me alone is by giving out my phone number. Just use a fake, you say? They’ll call or text that number immediately, I don’t want to find out what happens if I give a fake number and they find out while I’m still near them.Whenever people say “Just do ____!” it becomes patently obvious they think women are idiots (i.e. that they are sexist). Honestly, if it actually *were* as simple as whatever one-step fix they propose, we would have done that since always. -- source link