pornhubcampaign:Here is my second entry for this challenge. Media : All kind of print formats are
pornhubcampaign: Here is my second entry for this challenge. Media : All kind of print formats are supported. The plot : This time we gonna play with the number of visitors each day to make the point that Pornhub is the most visited spot on Earth. When the most popular places (Eiffel Tower, Time Square, …) reach 20 or 30 millions visitors per year, there are 35 millions people navigating on Pornhub each day. Let’s compare these places all together to make the point that Pornhub is the most touristic place on Earth (In the Universe maybe ?) Various versions are possible. In this case I chose a vertical format with 3 places + Pornhub in the same picture. We can also imagine it with a unique place in opposition of Pornhub in a horizontal format. It will work just great with multiple alligned 4x3 billboards. We can of course add a little more bit of complexity and fun in this concept. First of all, I chose different daytimes for the different pictures : morning, daylight, evening, night. Like a cool touristic day wich finish during the night, when everybody in the world are connecting to pornhub. I also add the user as main character of this story by adding him in the count of pornhub visitors (+ YOU). We can also imagine to add some characters and situation in the photographs (a couples, sexy situations, …). A lot of things are possible. A video is a possibility too. Here is a quick exemple : A random room. Close focus on the face of a random dude (or girl, old woman, …). He is a little sweaty. The camera zoom out slowly during all the scene. Voice (maybe the voice of a pornstar) : Do you know that every year, XXX visitors are going to … ? Dude make astonished face Voice : Do you know that … ? Same reaction etc.. (2 or 3 times) Voice : Do you know that 35 Millions people are going on pornhub every day ? … Thank you. Dude make a proud and smiling face. The focus is now on the entire character. He is sitting at his desk. In his back, a computer. At his feet, a trash full of used tissues. PORNHUB - punchline END There is a lot of possibility with this concept. By: Yoann C. -- source link