theferrets:Today has beena challenging day.A year ago, Kēki,the last ferret in our small business cr
theferrets:Today has beena challenging day.A year ago, Kēki,the last ferret in our small business crossed the rainbow bridge to join theothers (about a week before she turned 7), closing a chapter in our life… Imiss her and her cheeky ways and her amazing snuggles so much. The house feelsempty without our noodlebutts and going into their room has been impossible. Joshand I have had ferrets for our entire marriage up until last year. I foundmyself with so much extra time on my hands that I did not want. They all took apiece of our hearts with them and its crushed Josh and I to no longer have alife full of our perfect little carpet sharks. We miss them so much. You’re such agood girl Kēkers. We miss finding you all snuggled up in our drawers… We love you. - Mum and Dad -- source link
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