cma-european-art: Still-Life with Crayfish, Oysters, and Fruit, Cornelis de Heem, late 1600s or earl
cma-european-art: Still-Life with Crayfish, Oysters, and Fruit, Cornelis de Heem, late 1600s or early 1700s , Cleveland Museum of Art: European Painting and SculptureThe porcelain bowl in this painting most likely came from China. Political turbulence in China effectively eliminated ceramic imports to the West by the 1640s, so the bowl would have been considered at least as valuable as the gold object on the table.Size: Framed: 61 x 74 x 5.3 cm (24 x 29 1/8 x 2 1/16 in.); Unframed: 43.5 x 56.7 cm (17 1/8 x 22 5/16 in.)Medium: oil on canvas -- source link