only-johnny-depp:“Iwill never stop fighting. I’ll never stop. They’d have to fucking shootme.”~ John
only-johnny-depp:“Iwill never stop fighting. I’ll never stop. They’d have to fucking shootme.”~ Johnny Depp (August 16, 2018)Today(November 2), after months of expectative about the verdict on the “Johnny Deppvs. The Sun” trial, who he’s suing over a story published in 2018 whichbranded him a “wife beater”, was revealed. Unfortunately, Judge JusticeNicol decided to stay on The Sun and Ms. Heard’s side, ignoring ALL THEEVIDENCES and in some moments even belittling Johnny. Just like Ms. Heard, thejudge based on “assumptions”, blamed Johnny for being an abuser due to his drugand alcohol usage and, believe it or not, “jealously”. Evidences provided byJohnny and eyewitnesses were ignored to the point of almost an insult, whileMs. Heard inconsistencies, like wrong dates, wrong photos, lies and dozens of “mistakes”done even under oath and on the court, that proves that she indeed had a planto destroy Johnny’s career, were accepted as being “effects of being in shock”. The Judge didn’t care about eyewitnesses, audios, about Amber Heard beating, insulting,hurting mentally and physically Johnny, how much he was stolen, belittled,threaten, almost killed and dozens of things that were proven with realevidence that she was and IS the real abused these whole time.When AmberHeard attacked Johnny and yelled “Tellthe world, Johnny, tell them, Johnny Depp: “I, a man, I’m a victim too ofdomestic violence.’ And see how many people believe or side with you.“ Shewas telling the truth. No matter how many men who were abused tell his stories,how many evidences they can get, shown and prove, people will still not believe.They will belittle, blame and reverse the whole story. This is why malesurvivors don’t speak up. It’s not about the shame, it’s because even if proveninnocent, he will always be labeled as abuser… NextTuesday, Johnny will attend a three day deposition in Reston, Virginia, USA, fromNovember 10 through November 12 at 10AM, in order to the upcoming “Johnny Vs Ms.Heard” Trial in the USA, where the decision may be the opposite of today.Jenny Afiaof Schillings law firm, who represented Johnny, said: “This decision is as perverse as it is bewildering. Most troubling is thejudge’s reliance on the testimony of Amber Heard, and corresponding disregardof the mountain of counter-evidence from police officers, medicalpractitioners, her own former assistant, other unchallenged witnesses and anarray of documentary evidence which completely undermined the allegations,point by point. The judgement is so flawed that it would be ridiculous for Mr.Depp not to appeal this decision” ToJudge Justice Nicol: THIS DECISION WAS ABSOLUTELY WRONG.To Johnny Depp: WE ALL LOVE AND BELIEVE YOU! PLEASE, STAY STRONG!To all DeppHeads and those who believe him: WE KNOW THE TRUTH. SPREAD IT ANDSUPPORT HIM.To Amber Heard: YOU ARE A LIAR, ABUSER AND DESERVES NOTHING BUT JAIL. To those who still have doubts, and are celebrating this mistake, here is a list of almost all the things Johnnyhas suffered on the hands of Amber Heard:> Johnny Depp was PUNCHED on his face for being late.> Johnny Depp had his belongings (wallet and cellphone) THROWN by the window of his penthouse. > Johnny Depp had his bed POOPED with feces as a “prank”. > Johnny Depp had his head HIT with a PAINT THINNER. > Johnny Depp was HIT with SODA CANS, HEAVY BOTTLES and BURNING CANDLES. > Johnny Depp had his finger SEVERALLY CUT after Amber THREW a BOTTLE OF VODKA.> Johnny Depp had to pass for 3 SURGERIES to re-attach his finger.> JOHNNY DEPP COULD HAVE DIED OR LOST HIS ARM DUE TO THE THREE INFECTIONS HE HAD.> Johnny Depp HAD HIS MEDICINE INTERVENED AND WITHHELD while in pain> Johnny Depp had his forehead HIT with the CORNER OF A DOOR. > Johnny was HIT by pots, pans and vases thrown by Amber Heard. > Johnny Depp was HIT by a can of red bull on his back> Johnny Depp was PUNCHED on his jaw.> Johnny Depp was PUNCHED on his eye> Johnny Depp had his head INJURED after being HIT WITH A CONTROL REMOTE.> Johnny Depp was called a “DRAMATIC” by Amber Heard on Court after being hit several times.> Johnny Depp was called a “BABY”, “TO GROW THE F*CK UP” by Amber Heard for running away from her aggression.> Johnny Depp was REPEATEDLY INSULTED by Amber Heard who said: “your career is over”, “no one is going to hire you”, “you’re washed up”, “fat”, and “you will die a lonely man”.> Johnny Depp was CHEATED at least TWICE during their relationship. Amber Heard did it with Elon Musk and James Franco, who wants to keep his words in private.> Johnny Depp had evidences HID for 3 years by his own team who were secretly representing Elon Musk while Johnny was being cheated on.> Johnny Depp was DROPPED from his role on “Pirates of the Caribbean” days after she published her piece in the Washington Post in 2018.> Johnny Depp was almost HIT by a purse during her aggression> Johnny Depp was SPAT on his face.> Johnny Depp had his HAIR PULLED several times. > Johnny Depp was CLAWED, TUGGED and AGGRESSIVELY PULLED by Amber during a fight. > Johnny Depp had HIS CHEEK BURNED WITH A CIGARETTE.> Johnny Depp had his art supplies THROWN outside around his house. > Johnny Depp used to run away because she used to HIT him while his children and friends were in his house. > Johnny Depp RECEIVED DEATH THREATS by Amber’s father, who said he’d shot Johnny after his divorce with Amber which led him lost Johnny’s money to produce his film.> Amber Heard was caught with NO BRUISES in videos and photos. > Amber Heard LIED SEVERAL TIMES and FAKED EVIDENCES under oath. > Amber Heard tried to “TAKE ADVANTAGE” on Johnny’s mechanic. > Amber Heard’s parents exchange messages with Johnny and DIDN’T SHOW ANY ANGRINESS TOWARD HIM, but were worried about the money and KNEW about the Hoax. > Amber Heard CONFESSED had HIT Johnny Depp. > Amber Heard MOCKED of Johnny, also mocking of the people who suffer abuses.> DOZENS of witnesses told UNDER OATH that they didn’t saw ANY mark(s) on Amber’s body.> Two L.A. Police officers DIDN’T SEE ANY BRUISE on her face or destruction in their apartment.> Johnny Depp has more than 3,600 PAGES OR IMAGES as evidences.> Johnny Depp has at least 89 SECURITY CAMERAS FOOTAGE.> Amber Heard STOLE a real sexual violence survivor story of avictim and twisted it into her own story > Eyewitness tells about Ms. Heard Hoax, lies and inconsistencies.> Ms. Heard caught LYING UNDER OATH on Court> Ms. Heard caught LYING UNDER OATH on Court AGAIN> Amber Heard CAUGHT secretly recording her Hoax video.And the list goes on…AND NEVER F*CKING FORGET:“You didn’t get punched. You got hit. I’m sorry I hit you like this. But I did not punch you. I did not f*cking deck you. I f*cking was hitting you.” - Amber Heard (ambassador for women’s rights, outspoken domestic violence and sexual violence awareness)WE ARE AND ALWAYS WILL BE WITH YOU, JOHNNY DEPP! STAY STRONG AND THANK YOU FOR SPEAKING THE TRUTH! -- source link
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