weirdpolis:Ash WednesdayFirst day of Great Fasting (Lent) - 40 days long period of preparation for E
weirdpolis:Ash WednesdayFirst day of Great Fasting (Lent) - 40 days long period of preparation for Easter Day. In polish tradition, fasting was held very restrictically - people were avoiding eating meat, milk, and eggs, to the point where kitchen pots has been thoroughly cleaned and burned to remove any lastings of non-fasting meals. Main dishes served at this time of year were herrings and żur (sour rye soup) - by the end of the Lent people gathered for symbolic Funeral of żur and Herring’s Hanging. At Ash Wednesday, people go to church to participate in Mass, during which, priests impose ashes (made from palm fronds from previous year’s Palm Sunday) on the foreheads of the faithful. While applying ashes following sentences are said:Remember that thou art dust, and to dust thou shalt return.Repent, and believe the Gospel.Picture:Julian Fałat, Popielec (Ash Wednesday), 1881. -- source link
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