Hi guys~ I have another picture for today. Thank you @shanharifanart for this question on an earlier
Hi guys~ I have another picture for today. Thank you @shanharifanart for this question on an earlier post: “Would you be so kind to explain the following grammar 는 척하다. (I saw it in a sentence 실제론 모르는데 머리가 아는 척함.)”And yes, I would be happy to talk about this! This is a really common grammar point and can be used in so many situations.ㄴ/은/는 척하다 is used to describe someone pretending to do something or to act like they are doing/did something. Let’s translate the picture first.어…나 괜찮아… Yeah…I’m okay…울고 싶다 ㅠㅠ I wanna cry *tears*#괜찮은 척 #pretending to be okayMost of you have probably been in this situation. People pretend to be okay all the time. So, let’s look at this grammar in the “present tense” first (adjective + 은척 하다 / verb + 는 척하다).그 선배는 항상 나를 아는 척해서 짜증나요. It’s annoying that that upperclassman always acts like he knows me.언니! 아픈 척하지 마! 우리 가야 돼. Sister! Don’t act like(pretend) you’re sick. We have to go.왜 모르는 척했어요? Why did you pretend(act like) you don’t know.남자 친구랑 싸울 때마다 괜찮은 척해요. Every time I fight with my boyfriend, I pretend I’m okay.This grammar point can also be used in the past. (verb ending in a vowel + ㄴ 척하다 e.g. 하다 -> 한 척하다 // verb ending in a consonant + 은 척하다 e.g. 먹다 -> 먹은 척하다)내가 제일 좋아하는 셔츠를 왜 입은 척했어? 안 입었잖아. Why did you act like you wore my favorite shirt? You didn’t.그 아이는 케이크를 안 먹은 척했어요. That child pretended he didn’t eat the cake.걔가 나를 좋아한 척했어. He pretended to like me.There are also two common phrases that don’t translate well in my opinion.아는 척 - to act like you know someone (or something –but the “something” part is straightforward.)A lot of people say 나를 아는 척해서 짜증나. It’s annoying that he acted(acts) like he knows me. It can be used a few different ways, but one of them was confusing at first. 그 선배가 나를 아는 척했어요. (That upperclassman “pretended” he knows me.) When I first saw this, it sounded like an upperclassman came up and pretended to know the person. So, I was a bit confused, but it’s actually like saying “It’s annoying that he acts like we are close when we aren’t.” And I agree, this is super annoying behavior. Like when someone you don’t know very well is too touchy or nosy or overly friendly even though you aren’t close, and you feel uncomfortable or annoyed. That’s a good place to use 아는 척.There is also “앞으로 날 아는 척하지 마.” From here on out, don’t act like you know me. This is actually used when you don’t want to talk to someone ever again or want to end a relationship. 잘나다 +ㄴ 척 is always used in the past tense. 그는 잘난 척해서 짜증나. It’s annoying that he acts like he is better than us. The second definition of 잘나다 is defined this way in Naver’s dictionary:2. 능력이 남보다 앞서다. (To be better at something than others)그는 지나치게 잘나서 부러워요. He’s so ridiculously good at it that I’m jealous.But, this word is commonly used in a negative way. It’s often seen as 잘난 척 which can be interpreted as acting better than others/pretending you’re better than others/showing off.It can be used jokingly. 에이~ 여자 앞에서 잘난 척하지 마. Eyy don’t show off in front of the girls.Or it can be used seriously. 쟤 왜 저렇게 잘난 척해. 점수도 그렇게 높지 않아. Why does he act like he’s so much better than us. His scores aren’t even that high. So going back to the original question “실제론(실제로는) 모르는데 머리가 아는척 함.” Without context, this is hard to translate because the context is pretty important with this grammar point. But, you could interpret it as “in actuality, he doesn’t really know, but is pretending to know” as the caption to something like a picture or meme. Anyway, I hope this helps! Leave a comment or send a message if you have any questions or if something was confusing.Follow me for more tips and lessons! -- source link
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