2oulle22-lover:pointlesssugg:snarkie:splendidcolor:jordyngryphon:theguilteaparty:bookerdewitt:pamplemoose:angelphile:hiddlesbatchlove:best marketingA+10/10would recommendWHEREDOTHEYSELLTHOSE?! I need them so bad. This is absolutely perfect.They sell them at TargetThis is a fantastic idea.Raging pharmacology boner.Bonus points for being single chemical pills.you should check out their website! http://www.helpineedhelp.comIf you think that packaging is brill, wait until you see the site.This company is a marketer’s wet dream.That website is fantastic. Seriously, click on it and check out the whole site. Best waste of time EVER.I want to own all of these, forming a cheeky rainbow in my medicine cabinet.They sell them at Cvs too and they are on pointOH MY GOD SO I WENT TO LOOK ANDSO I CLICKED ONEAND IT TURNED INTO THISAND YOU CAN GRAB THE BANANA ANDBUT WAIT IT GETS BETTER - YOU CAN LEAVE THE BANANA AND MOVE THE BAGEL INSTEADEQUALITY IN FOOD PORN I’M SO HAPPYAND THEN I SAW THISAND I WAS LIKE WTF I HAVE TO SEE THE SOLUTION FOR THIS ONESO I ENTERED A CRAP NAME AND HIT THE BUTTON ANDAND THENTHIS IS FUCKING FANTASTIC I AM GOING OUT AND BUYING EVERY SINGLE PRODUCT THEY OFFER HOLY SHIT -- source link
#drugs tw#long post#omg