messoamerica:The Codex Vaticanus A / Codex Rios is an adaptation of the Codex Telleriano-Remensis, a
messoamerica:The Codex Vaticanus A / Codex Rios is an adaptation of the Codex Telleriano-Remensis, a colonial Spanish manuscript, translated into Italian with annotations by a Dominican friar working in Oaxaca, Mexico. The manuscript was likely created in Italy after AD 1566 and recounts the history of Tolteca-Chichimeca culture from AD 1195 - 1549. Top, page 4. "The first age in Mexican cosmogony ended with a great flood when the water deity descended to earth. Men were changed into fish, but one couple managed to escape the deluge. During this age, giants lived on earth (here, the large reclining body).“Bottom, page 54: Signs representing the twenty days of the ritual calendar are linked to a part of the body. -- source link