Ornate gold gilded wheel-lock pistol by La Fonteyne, Monaco, 1645. Features a compass in the buttsto

Ornate gold gilded wheel-lock pistol by La Fonteyne, Monaco, 1645. Features a compass in the buttsto
Ornate gold gilded wheel-lock pistol by La Fonteyne, Monaco, 1645. Features a compass in the buttsto
Ornate gold gilded wheel-lock pistol by La Fonteyne, Monaco, 1645. Features a compass in the buttsto
Ornate gold gilded wheel-lock pistol by La Fonteyne, Monaco, 1645. Features a compass in the buttsto
Ornate gold gilded wheel-lock pistol by La Fonteyne, Monaco, 1645. Features a compass in the buttsto
Ornate gold gilded wheel-lock pistol by La Fonteyne, Monaco, 1645. Features a compass in the buttsto