Operation Catapult and the Attack on Mels-el-KebirThe French surrender to the Germans on June 22nd,

Operation Catapult and the Attack on Mels-el-KebirThe French surrender to the Germans on June 22nd,
Operation Catapult and the Attack on Mels-el-KebirThe French surrender to the Germans on June 22nd,
Operation Catapult and the Attack on Mels-el-KebirThe French surrender to the Germans on June 22nd,
Operation Catapult and the Attack on Mels-el-KebirThe French surrender to the Germans on June 22nd,
Operation Catapult and the Attack on Mels-el-KebirThe French surrender to the Germans on June 22nd,
Operation Catapult and the Attack on Mels-el-KebirThe French surrender to the Germans on June 22nd,