lightspeedsound:lightspeedsound:squeeful:professorsparklepants:siderealsandman:cephalotodd:rick rior
lightspeedsound:lightspeedsound:squeeful:professorsparklepants:siderealsandman:cephalotodd:rick riordan off the shitsrick riordan made his bones with pretty vanilla YA fantasy and then when he was too successful to stop hit em with the Muslim valkyries and the genderfluid homeless teenagers Rick Riordan’s “vanilla YA fantasy” series was written for his son with ADHD and dyslexia because there weren’t any books about kids with learning disorders. He “made his bones” on representation, you just didn’t notice because disabled people don’t count.there is more to representation than queerness and raceNot to mention Nico in the first set of books us gay AF, it’s a huge plot point, Apollo is super gay and it’s obvious from the get go, all of the kids are learning disabled, tons of them are very poor/runaways and hazel IS LITERALLY BLACK, DISABLED, AND AN ORPHAN. Who is in love with frank, who is Asian. And AGAIN, LITERALLY ALL SUFFER FROM DYSLEXIA. But yeah Percy is white and cis and straight. Ok, cool.Side note: percys mom literally stayed in an abusive relationship just to make sure Percy was protected and Percy himself is basically that broken sweet white straight hippy kid who is like “there’s not enough love in this world and fuck the gods for leaving all their kids and unless y’all want another apocalypse you better step up like real parents” which AS AN ATTORNEY IN THE FOSTER CARE SYSTEM JFC THATS DEEPhonestly reading about how gabe is abusive and that sort of thing really opened my eyes to my own situation and also reading about more kids with adhd (which i have and had never seen in books until that time) was such a relief because then i felt more normal?? i had people to relate to and yeah maybe it’s not the most diverse in race/gender/sexuality but at least riordan is now trying to do something about it and writing more books with more queer characters like fuck that’s 100000x more than JKR ever did and if you focus solely on the fact that his first couple books were not the most diverse you’re ignoring the clear effort that riordan is putting into his books nowalso the fact that he’s including so many religions and ethnicities into his many series and when he himself can’t write the book, he endorses another writer who has more knowledge or experience so that they get all of the publicity and recognition that riordan receives like that’s literally one of the coolest things???he’s admitting that he’s not the best fit to write about certain things but instead of just avoiding that he’s giving other writers the ability and the publicity which is really good for both the authors of those books and the kids now getting representation??????sorry i just really love riordan and all he’s done to open his mind and books and get representation in them. -- source link
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