I’m feeling very bad about my own body, my breast finally have settle completely and they took an ug
I’m feeling very bad about my own body, my breast finally have settle completely and they took an ugly shape and became smaller, they looked awesome the first months but now I don’t like how they look. I lost 5 kg of weight 2 months ago because I stopped my Antidepressant and went cold turkey, really big mistake! I fell into a deep depression for 1 week until I could not take it anymore and went to the doctor who then told me that going cold turkey with antidepressants is the reason why my depression was back. I started to feel better after restarting my treatment but its very hard for me to regain weight. I feel like a failure as a woman, as an adult and as a porn actress and sometimes I want to give up. I will live stream this weekend, I want to feel sexy I really need it! There are unlimited amount of better girls to watch than me so I’ll be grateful if you decide to give me some of your time to me. -- source link
#senran kagura#cosplay