ivegotjetpackblues:SO IM ON THE PHONE WITH @sykoskittles AND WE’RE TALKING ABOUT THE NEW TWENTY ONE PILOTS ALBUM AND THEORIES WE HAVE AND WE FOUND SO. MUCH.so focusing on this GIF we knew there was a message but obviously it’s too fast to read. so i took it into photoshop and looked at it layer by layer and read the letters out loud to donna anD EXCUSE US???????ALSO. NICO AND THE NINERS ARE REPRESENTATIVE OF THE NINE LAYERS OF HELL ACCORDING TO DANTE’S INFERNO SO EACH BISHOP IS REPRESENTATIVE OF A CIRCLE OF HELL WITH NICO BEING THE DEVIL BU BU BUM DUMOK THAT’S NOT ALLin the center of the map you can see NINE CIRCLES laid out EXACTLY like the album art for BLURRYFACE. above each circle is the name of each of the nine bishops (please forgive me if these are wrong it’s literally so blurry when we zoom so these are our best attempts at reading them) , Andre, Lisden, Keone, Nico, Reirdno, Bacarver, Mills, Vetomo, and Listo.A necropolis is defined as “a cemetery, especially a large one belonging to an ancient city.”and Dema translates loosely to “Tower of Silence” in Persian and is similar to the towers where they would have carrion birds (crows, VULTURES, etc.) p much eat the dead bodies they placed out. there is also a picture of the vultures on the wall on the dmaorg.info website and under it you can read “d_e_ath__eat_E_rz”on the map there is also a corner ripped off which seems to be either where there used to be a key (for the compass) OR donnie thinks it could be another room of dema that the bishops have hidden awayunder the image of the map on the website you can read “sev_ering__tiezgEt out. the compAss lies. they don’t control you. get out. the compaSs lies. They don’t control you. get out. the compass lIeS. they don’t control yoU.get out. the comPass lies. they don’t control you.”severing ties implies clancy leaving dema and in the message saying the compass lies and they don’t control you it has “EAST IS UP” in all caps spread throughout the messageMOVING ONon the right side of this note i was able to read “WEST WALL BLOCKED EAST IS UP” which could be connected to the sun rising in the east and truce’s lyric “the sun will rise and we will try again”.then in this letter clancy is talking about his escape from dema and the things he is finding outside of the walls. in one part he says “sometimes i’ll feel a presence, or i think i see something in my peripheral, only to look up and see nothing”i almost wonder if that line connects all the way back to march to the sea where tyler says “no one looks up anymore, cause you might get a teardrop in your eye”, a lyric that i believe connects with people looking up to seek god with no response.this could show clancy feeling a sort of guardian watching over him but not being able to see them.NOW LET’S BRING IT TO THE JUMPSUIT VIDEOso after tyler stands there with his neck out for nico to come and “smear” him at about 2:30. after this tyler starts to follow nico. then at about 2:40 his neck fades to all black showing nico taking control. tyler follows him pretty emotionless BUT donnie and i both noticed something. she noticed at 3:00 the black kept fading back and forth between solid black and the lines which she figured is him fighting against nico and the hold that nico has on him and i saw at 3:34 when the petals were falling his neck permanently fades back to just linesand at 3:50 when he takes off running from nico the black is gone. and am i crazy or when he falls and nico finds him does his neck turn back to BLACK?going back to tyler being “smeared” by nico, here you can see clancy said “The only significant light I’ve seen has been in the eyes of those smeared - such a curious sight, to see bright eyes strangled by the darkness of bishop hands. As their penance fades, so dims their memory of something more. My hope of something more in all I have in this rigid tomb, and I will not let it die.”This makes us think that whenever a bishop touches someone it “smears” them. When someone is smeared they lose their hope and the light within them dies, turning them into a kind of drone, something that fascinated Clancy to see.Also, did we mention the color yellow symbolizes hope. and hope is something clancy often talks about.im so sorry this post is such a hot mess i just had to collect so many of our thoughts into one post and im losing my mind. thank u for reading -- source link
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