rangerhanna-56:hanchinesemeany:attn: white youtubersstop.we are not your aesthetic.wanna be asian? f
rangerhanna-56:hanchinesemeany:attn: white youtubersstop.we are not your aesthetic.wanna be asian? finebe asian — but don’t just take myskin and my eyes,you better takegetting “konnichiwa” shouted at you in the streetseven though you’re not japanesegetting asked to speak your language for othersas though it were some sort of circus animal trickgetting asked about musical and TV genresyou don’t give two fucks aboutby some bright eyed cracker who claimsto know so much about your culturewhen all they know is kdramasgetting asked “are you chinese”by everyone and their cousinwhen you’re vietnamese, thai, hmong, or othergetting told you “don’t look asian”because you don’t have black hair,small eyes, and lily white skinand hating having to live up to that(and the dark asian girls? where are theyin your silly makeup tutorials? oh right,nowhere… i wonder why that is)you better takecreepy, crunchy guys telling youabout their asian fetish as the grease drips from their facesand you inhale the scent of how many weeks they have gonewithout washing their assentire sides of the internet dedicatedto fetishizing you, to posting porn about you,even having kinks in which they want youto call them ‘daddy’simply because you are asianand not even being able to google‘asian girl’without some fetishy bullshit popping upseeing entire websites dedicatedto getting the fetishists those'submissive asian wives’ they want so badlyyou better takenot ever being able to speak your own languagewithout being mocked, getting “ching chong”shouted at you, or askedwhat random strings of gibberish with an -ong or -ingmean in english…wanna be half asian? finebe half asian — but don’t just takemy featuresyou better takethe tears i cried when i watcheda video called “why asian girlsgo for white guys” becausei was living proof that the stereotypeis true — an embarrassmentyou better takehow much i hated myself for notbeing able to fit the stereotypeof what a han chinese person is “supposed”to look like — i was too hairy,my hair was too light, my eyesweren’t small enough, my eyebrowswere too fat, too thick, too bushy and wheni told people my ethnicity they said i“didn’t look chinese” and i didn’t have the wordsto tell them how much of a slap that wasnot just to my face but to my very soulyou better takehow i was always afraid to speak outagainst anti-asian racism because i thoughtthat my opinion would only ever half-countyou better takehow many stereotypes i played intono matter how uncomfortable they made mejust to avoid the dreaded ‘w word’ —whitewashed. and thiseventually led to me letting myselfbe taken advantage of in waysi’m not proud of……and until you wear that on your face,it doesn’t matter what makeup you put onit doesn’t matter how real your wig lookswhat powders you useor what you do to your eyesyou will never be or look asianyou will never be or look half asianyou will never be or look like anythingother than what you are:a disgusting,racist,fetishist white girlwho is no betterthan creepy white menwith “yellow fever” -- source link
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