candy-glitter-girl: bannableoffense:kittenloverwtf14:sammynona:Abby whined as she opened her e
candy-glitter-girl: bannableoffense: kittenloverwtf14: sammynona: Abby whined as she opened her eyes, blinking against the daylight as she came out of the deep sleep. Her body felt like a slab of concrete, too heavy to try moving, and her thoughts were wading slowly as she tried to wake herself up. Finally her eyes adjusted to the light and Abby took in the strange room around her, no memory at all of how she’d gotten here. That’s when she began to panic. The blonde tried to flee but rough ropes bit into her arms and legs and kept her spread over the comfortable bed. Struggling to raise her head Abby realized she was completely naked and left exposed. Then she saw the dark haired girl between her legs, the face familiar even though she was clearly terrified. “Oh my god, Cindy. What happened to us?” “We…we…” She was struggling to speak, shaking against the ropes that kept her locked in place as well. Abby felt a tremor of pleasure as warmth washed over her pussy. Cindy had been placed with her mouth so close that Abby could feel her friend’s breath on her wet cunt. “Sorry, Cindy’s having a little trouble talking right now,” a seductive voice suddenly cut in. “Maybe I can explain for you instead?” Abby pulled against the ropes but couldn’t see anyone inside the room with them. Finally she leaned her head back as far as it could go, staring at a woman lounging casually in a chair on the other side of the room. Even with the room upside down at this angle she was stunning. Dressed in a sheer satin gown with matching gloves the woman waved warmly, spreading her legs to reveal her bare crotch. Abby turned away in disgust and stared at the ceiling. “Who the hell are you? What did you do with us?” “I just had a little fun, Abby. I promise I only played with you in ways you’ll love. Well, come to love eventually, at any rate. My name is Trish, but I much prefer Mistress.” “Let us go, you bitch!” “You certainly do have a mouth on you,” Trish said with a cruel smile, green eyes flashing. “But then again, that’s why I chose you two out of everyone from the bar. I just knew you’d look so breathtaking naked and bound on my bed, and I certainly wasn’t wrong there.” Abby shut her eyes and tried to remember but her pussy was radiating soft, pulsing waves of pleasure that kept scattering her thoughts. Cindy was biting her lip to stop from talking but each breath sent new shivers throughout Abby’s body. The woman had said something about a bar… Then she had it, the edges of the memory fuzzy but Abby could see it. They’d gone out to a bar near their office, celebrating some stupid thing she couldn’t remember. And there was that woman, red hair done up stylishly with bright red lipstick to match, sitting at the bar in a black dress that brought her plenty of company. But she’d chosen to come over and talk with her and Cindy, going on about how she was a professional hypnotist. Of course they didn’t believe her. That’s when Trish offered them a demonstration so they’d believe her. “So what? You expect me to believe you hypnotized us into doing this?” “It doesn’t matter what you believe, Abby. It’s the truth, after all.” “Bullshit. You must have drugged our drinks. Kidnapped and tied us up like this.” “All very possibly. But why don’t you ask Cindy what she thinks?” Abby stared up at her friend between her legs, Cindy’s face still struggling. “You don’t believe this crazy bitch, right?” Cindy’s eyes were pleading, head shaking. She opened her mouth to speak, hesitating, then suddenly stuck out her tongue and dived it between the lips of Abby’s pussy, moaning as she tasted the other girl. Abby jumped like she’d been electrified, but with her body locked down by the rope only her head was writing as her eyes rolled back in her head. What she’d felt was beyond any kind of pleasure she’d ever experienced. This was pleasure that melted her thoughts, erased everything else from existence except craving more. Trish observed the show silently, smile on her lips as her fingers played with her own pussy. It was only one lick but to Abby the pleasure was beyond any of the times she’d been fucked. Finally pulling herself up Abby stared at Cindy with disbelief. Her friend had just licked her clit and the expression of clear absolute bliss on her face told Abby that she had loved it. “Wh-why?” Cindy opened her eyes, almost surprised to see Abby there. Instantly she was overcome with guilt, opening her mouth to apologize but quickly shutting it again. Abby saw the struggle wash over her face as Cindy’s eyes dropped to the wet cunt only inches from her face, staring with such longing. What the hell had happened to her? “Taking you two and tying you up was child’s play,” Trish announced from across the room. She got to her feet and strolled over to the bed, grinning down as Abby still struggled to break free. Cindy, for her part was locked with her own mental battle, forgetting about the ropes and focusing all of her energy on not licking at her friend’s crotch. “I’ve enslaved so many other girls that, honestly, it’s become a little routine. So easy to simply program obedience and devotion.” “You’re crazy, there’s no way I’d ever-” Trish snapped her fingers. The horny slave gazed up at her Mistress, whimpering with need. “Please, Mistress, untie this slave so that she might please you. I will obey in any way you desire. Use me, fuck me. Make me-” Pleased the redhead snapped her fingers again, grinning happily as the face of blank adoration transformed into shocked terror. Abby snapped her mouth shut, afraid of what else might come out. A second ago she truly belonged to this woman, like her mind had been replaced with some other horny slut’s thoughts. “See? Too easy. That’s why I wanted to experiment with the two of you. See how far I could push you both before you surrendered to me.” Abby set her eyes on the woman, staring intensely as she replied. “I don’t care what happens when you snap your fingers. As long as I’m awake I’m never going to give in to you.” Trish waited patiently, letting the blonde have her prideful moment of confident resistance. Then once she was satisfied the girl had spoken enough she reached down between Abby’s legs and let her satin gloved fingers trail lightly over her pussy lips. Abby had braced herself but immediately she fell to moaning, body melting limply as her thoughts became swept up by the delicious pleasure. She’d catch herself falling into it and try to pull herself out, but another touch to her pussy sent whatever flimsy ground Abby had tried to maintain sinking away down into the bliss. “It’s so easy to talk of resistance, expecting yourself to have some kind of control over your body. But the truth is you truly have no control whatsoever. All I needed to do was program you to become more sensitive than ever and any kind of stimulation to your cunt just overwhelms your mind. The ropes are just to keep me titillated, I always was a fan of bondage. The truth, Abby, is that you’re a prisoner in your own body. Any kind of pleasure will make you sink deeper under my control.” Trish pulled her hand away, watching as the moaning girl struggled to keep herself afloat. Abby shook her head and tried to keep her mind together but she was already panting, her thoughts feeling sticky and hard to manage. If the woman had kept it up it wouldn’t be long before Abby would cum, and if just feeling fingers grazing her pussy had reduced her that quickly she was terrified to imagine what an orgasm would do to her. “So that’s your plan? Finger me until I just become some mindless, drooling doll?” “Partially, but what I have planned is so much more fun.” Trish sat down on the edge of the bed, bending over Cindy to pet the girl’s dark hair. Cindy tried to shake her away but then Trish slid her fingers under her nose and the girl instantly relaxed, nostrils flaring. Abby’s heart sank when she realized that the wet fingers were coated in her own pussy juices. Hesitantly Cindy’s tongue crept out and licked at the fingers, her eyes dilating as she moaned. She lost herself, licking and sucking at the delicious taste coating the woman’s fingers. “For you, Abby, I made you hypersensitive. But I gave Cindy a different set of programming. Instead I made her addicted to your taste, finding the taste of your pussy to be the most delicious flavor that could possibly exist.” Abby stared at her friend, praying it wasn’t true, but Cindy was too busy sucking on the gloved fingers in an attempt to drink up every last drop. “That’s why she had trouble talking to you when you woke up. She’s spent this entire time struggling to keep her tongue locked up so it wouldn’t dive into that tasty cunt of yours. And opening her mouth to speak, while she simply can’t control herself.” “Cindy…” Slowly her friend opened her eyes, staring up at Abby sadly. “I'm…sorry, Abby. Can't…too good, can’t stop….stop myself.” “It’s okay, we’re going to figure a way out of this.” “I’m afraid that’s not possible,” Trish replied smugly. “This little game can only end one way. When Cindy simply can’t resist her addiction any longer and she lovingly eats you out. Then once your brains have been fucked out I’ll let you two change places.” Cindy’s head perked up, staring at Trish with surprise. “We'll…change?” “That’s right. Abby will have her head stuck between your legs. And she’ll be addicted to your cunt, same as you are to hers.” Abby felt an icy touch of fear as she saw something change in Cindy’s eyes, some new hunger growing. “Cindy, we’ve got to fight this.” “But… you taste so good.” “You don’t really want to do this.” “Want…to taste you. Need to…” Abby gulped, struggling against the ropes but it was hopeless. She realized now it wasn’t to stop her from escaping. Trish would only need to snap her fingers and her hypnotized self would gladly return to the bed. No, the ropes were keeping her as the bait to lure Cindy under the woman’s control, to keep her at the mercy of her friend’s tongue. “You’ll love it…Abby…” “No! I don’t want to be brainwashed, Cindy. We can’t let her do this to us!” “No… you’ll love…my pussy. Will taste so good, drink and lick and love…so good like yours…” Drunkenly Cindy smiled and stuck her tongue out, torturing Abby with a long, tender lick along her lips. Instantly Abby’s hips tried to buck as she began whimpering, struggling against how much her body craved for more. Cindy licked her lips, savoring the taste. “So if I make her cum,” Cindy whispered. “If I eat her out she’ll become your slave.” “That’s right,” Trish said smiling, stroking her head to pamper her as if she were a pet mastering a new trick. “And if Abby’s a slave…she… you’ll make her eat me out, too?” “I’ll make her love you, Cindy. You’ll both be my slaves in the end, but obedient girls who help their mistress will be rewarded. I’ll return you to normal but leave Abby addicted to your cunt, make it so that she’ll always be begging to pleasure you. Just imagine having this beautiful friend of yours at your beck and call, yours to fuck whenever you please. “Yes,” Cindy moaned, staring at Abby with open desire. “Cindy, please don’t,” Abby whined, mind already spinning. “But… want something else…” Trish raised her eyebrows, surprised. Her slaves would beg often but they rarely made requests. Yet that was the point, that these two girls weren’t enslaved yet. Hypnotized and conditioned, yes, but still with their own minds. Curious, she nodded for Cindy to continue. “When you make…Abby addicted to me…make her love me…mhm…make her my slave…” “No,” Abby whined, but Cindy quickly licked at her clit and sent her moaning and writhing, silencing her complaints. For a moment Cindy lost herself in the taste but managed to pull her tongue back, knowing there was still something she wanted. “When you brainwash us…don’t take it away.” “What do you mean, Cindy?” “I wanna stay addicted too…always want her to taste so good…wanna stay addicted to Abby.” Trish grinned, wondering just how these two girls would manage in life being addicted to each other’s cunts. Most likely they’d never leave their bedroom, she wagered. “I accept your terms. I’ll make you both addicted to each other’s cunts, always wanting to fuck and eat one another out.” Cindy grinned happily, drunk on the fantastic scent of Abby’s pussy. Seeing her friend panting with pleasure, the sight of Abby’s pussy clenching and begging for her tongue to slip inside turned her on more than anything else she could imagine. And knowing Abby would soon want the same thing, so turned on by her body and addicted to the taste of her pussy… Cindy moaned, hips bucking to try and make the ropes at her crotch dig against her lips. Trish smiled down at her and said “Just remember, none of this can happen unless you brainwash Abby first. You need to melt her mind for me, wipe away all resistance. Leave her moaning and empty and begging for me to program her. Then I’ll make her just like you are now.” Abby raised her head, giving her friend one last, pleading look. “Please Cindy, don't… we have to fight this. She’s going to erase who we are, make us into a pair of fucking sluts. Is that what you want?” Cindy smiled at Abby tenderly, and for a moment the blonde thought she’d gotten through to her. “That’s exactly what I want, Abby. And soon it’s what you’ll want too.” Before she could protest again Cindy dove her tongue in, enthusiastically giving in to her hunger as she lapped at her friend’s pussy. Abby quivered and threw her head back, the pleasure coming faster than ever. She tried to resist but what Abby had felt before was nothing compared to this new flood of pure bliss, a tidal wave of heat and pleasure swallowing up her mind. The room spun around her, eyes losing focus as the ability to even think was sucked out of her mind, Cindy’s tongue fucking away every lost thought in her head. Trish stood over the two bound women, fingering herself and rapidly approaching orgasm. Knowing she’d broken Cindy, corrupted her to the point that she was willingly helping in brainwashing her friend. She cried out in orgasm, staring happily as Abby’s face melted into an empty smile from being fucked by Cindy’s mouth. Reduced to exactly what Abby had predicted earlier, a mindless, drooling doll. But still Cindy kept eating her out, her own body resonating with pleasure at the delicious taste and the knowledge of what she was doing to her friend. Trish lowered herself back into the chair, playing with her sensitive clit as she took in the show. No sense in moving on with the brainwashing right away. She’d made Cindy addicted to the blonde’s pussy, after all. Only fair that she was allowed to continue until she’d had her fill. Read this and wanted to be Cindy ♥ i prefer being brainwashed by Men, but i would love to be like cindy so brainwashed and controlled that i willingly betray and even help enslave a close friend. -- source link
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