Album Review: The Garden’s Haha by Bre Cabin, Art by Mya Heavener Almost immediately when listening
Album Review: The Garden’s Haha by Bre Cabin, Art by Mya Heavener Almost immediately when listening to the opening track of Haha, I’m hit with a Death Grips-esk vibe. The constant knock of the song and incessant driving beat give it that militant curled fist sound that Death Grips accomplishes so well, yet ironically All Smiles Over Here is a kind of a feel good do what you want type of song. As I listen to Red Green Yellow I kind of feel like i’m one of those weird straight dolls that sit in front of car dealerships and twist and bend in the wind. The steady militant punk bass which has made itself present throughout the whole album when paired with this particular melody makes me feel like instead of just being the fly on the wall blow up stick people think I am, i’m actually more intelligent than anyone could dream and I’m judging everyone that walks by. Crystal Clear is by far one of my favorite tracks on the album. I can’t quite describe it but it makes me feel like punching Paris Hilton in the face and going out for ice cream after. I’ll Stop by Tomorrow Night is a wickedly crafted song. I makes me feel like an alligator in a lagoon that smokes two packs a day even though he knows it’s going to kill him. Haha the title track off the album, has a very hip vibe that presents itself as the type of song you and your friends would listen to on a road trip. Vexation however is the type of song I can see Satan listening to as he grabs a Slurpee at 7-11 after a long day in hell. This Could Build Us a Home is Animal Collective meets Real Estate post Atlas. Overall pretty entertaining. Egg has probably the least comprehensive name and the most thought out music and lyricism. The ballad primarily focuses on self worth and is extremely well put together. Gift wraps together the complex medley of songs that make up Haha in a way that gives you a calm sense of finality despite the heavy driving beat of the song. Can we just take a minute to thank The Garden for releasing a 17 track album for under 10 dollars? -- source link
#the garden