shittydinosaurdrawings:HEY helo i am have beeverage for first time in Months. is much limeful. limes
shittydinosaurdrawings:HEY helo i am have beeverage for first time in Months. is much limeful. limes is good but is there too much acisd yes maybe??Also: serious question: can you still refumnd a recyclable can if it’s squooshed flat and full of gravel? Me and the uncle pickd up many of those this wekend on walk on dirt road. (found many intact ones too tho!!!)ALSO i fprogot to say, lime juicely dronk is named Marguerite ah’sI realy must watch Jonathatn Strange and Mr. Norrell again, and also read the book aagin cause it’s a hecking GOOD bit of media encompassing many thin gs I enjoys. Such as magics and historical things! yes!! You can tell heck I forgetHername Ath the moment OH wait it is Susanna Clark did her research real good. She spoke of Sprigged Muslin and called the ladies coat a Pelisse, so that is good indications that she read up on historical fashion, and so probably many other things yes??Yes oh goodnedd I do need to do a good pattern for a 1790′s double breasted waistcoat! I mena I hae made one pattern before for that but it was in retrospedt ce verry bad, and so I cannot sew it u apnd expect it to be good dang the bevrage screws up the slpelling of words. yeh. SO anyhoo yes, I did do also a single brested waistcoat pattern (just now I very wanted to dump my glss of niiice cold water on my face, but did not. pleas do admire my glorious restraint. ok, thank.)and now I ralize, since having sewn up TWO DIFRENT versons of the waistcoat pattern I now seee that both are not so good becaue both have wrinkly on the hShsoulder area, and so I must make New And Better version that does NOT do a wrinnlkel on the shoulder.s . yes. And should aldo sdo Do tha t SOON because I thnk I am liekly to get the rHoyt house residency what I di d alpplied for and suggested for my projetctt an 1780′s forest floor themed (u know, with mushrooms and ferns and moss and friends!!) embroidered waistcoa?t? well I need s a pattern to appropriately goodly trace out my pieces and lay out the pattern, dang heck! Must do dye samples too! (of silk thread. Mama has silk tread I can use but is all in white so I needs to dye it. Should I do acid dyes or fuibre reactive dyes?? I dunno. Acid dyes are much easier simple process but firbre reactive dyes have usually more even colours results.) (hey hello here is link to mine sewing bloorg!!)ok ok yes so I love waistcoats very much, and now I think I willd rink more water. yes. ok I have now refilled my water glass again.Also sorry to anyone who did not want to read all this much text, oh di dI mention I dronk a ig glass of water and rfilled big glas of wtaer to drink again becuas I am good citizen who likes to stay hydrated???? because yes I did I a m I do am hydrated yets.ok wow did not intend to make such a big wall of text, sorry to anyone who follwed here to only see shitty dinosaur drawings. I must tell you that the shity dinosaurs occupy only TeenyTiny portion of my brain, and that my nearest and dearest is 18th century clothing ok??? Ok you agree waistcoats is best thing ever?? ok ok good, so now I drink more water goodnight if u hate waistcoats and/or are transphobic we are enemies. -- source link
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