One of my f a v o r i t e things about this human experience is Connection. It’s heavy in my H
One of my f a v o r i t e things about this human experience is Connection. It’s heavy in my Heart the cultures in which after marriage, two Beings shrivel a w a y from ocean and recede to an island where they c o n t r o l everything they encounter and every Being they encounter. This sort of mental prison is not only dis-empowering, it goes against our very Human nature to be One Giant T r i b e . To connect and learn from one another. To support and uplift one another. To help and encourage one another. To E n j o y and P l a y with one another in a lovingly conscious manner. I used to think it was “ok” for a man to impose rules on who I was allowed and who I wasn’t allowed to engage with. Now that I am A w a k e , I see what a sickening D i s E a s e it is to control another like that. Today I pray for relationships to remember Love is Appreciation, not Possession. That there is a WHOLE WORLD out there…. F u l l of Unique and Valuable G a m e P l a y e r s waiting to become best friends with Y o u . They don’t wish to F u c k you. Today I pray if you’ve been subject to a mental prison- a seed to Sovereignty is receiving nectar from these words. Trust. Love over Fear. Choose it Daily. @maddnomercy I loved expressing a range of emotions with your Being during this shoot. Thank you for your authenticity and always being a safe human I enjoy sharing time with. #ageofaquarius #risingconsciousness #consciousnessrising #thirdeyeawakening #raiseyourvibration #loveoverfear #loveistheway #loveisthemovement #sovereignty #freedomthinkers #givemeliberty #tribeculture #tribe #livingalifeofyum #loveisappreciation #openness #openyourheart #wakingup #spiritualawakening #interracial #model #lamodels #lamodels #lacasting #lacastingcall -- source link
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