cantusilluminatus:Fragment from an Italian antiphoner dated 1512.Artist: Giovanni Battista Cavallett
cantusilluminatus:Fragment from an Italian antiphoner dated 1512.Artist: Giovanni Battista Cavalletto and his son Scipione Cavalletto, in the style of.Figurative Decoration: Large illuminated initial on fol. 100r in the design of a classical vase; very large historiated initial on fol. 1r (about 105 mm. square) showing the Annunciation, within an elaborate classical surround and with full illuminated border including classical vases and birds (very cropped).Other Decoration: Rubrics in red, some calligraphic initials with decorative penwork including human profiles, etc.; large and small initials throughout in alternating blue with purple penwork and red with blue penwork.Source: Bloomington, Indiana University, Bloomington, Lilly Library at Indiana University, Poole 17 -- source link