pretty-pink-rose-0413xxx: より※ 進展あり (22時頃~0時半頃)“phot▼geek5▼″ と言う愚か者よりDM有This will not happen again. と言うだけで謝罪の言葉が無かったので (※『ありがとう』と『ごめんなさい』 僕はこの2つの言葉を言うべき時に言わない/言えない奴を『人』としては扱いません / *“Thank you” and “I’m sorry” fellows who don’t say / can’t say these two words at the right time ,I do not treat them as a “person” )『その前に先ずは”ごめんなさい”だろ?』『盗用した投稿全部削除してから返信くれ』って返したところ以下の言葉が返ってきました。なんとイタリア語で。 ”Baciami il culo.” 英語では "kiss my ass"この馬鹿はとことん馬鹿だというのがわかりました。きっとまともな教育受けていないんだろな。/ I received DM from fuckin’ stupid,stupid only said“ This will not happen again. “ so I said, “Before that, you have to say “I’m sorry”, right?” "Delete all plagiarized posts and reply,” those I replied, the following words were returned. “Baciami il culo.” In English, “kiss my ass” I found this idiot to be a ridiculous idiot. I’m sure this stupid doesn’t have a decent educationSapevo che tua madre era una prostituta e che non eri adeguatamente istruito, “phot▼geek5▼”. Quindi ti dirò. Se fai qualcosa di sbagliato, devi dire “Mi dispiace”. (In Giappone, anche un bambino di 5 anni può farlo!) Ti sei reso conto di essere più stupido di un bambino di 5 anni bambino?FUCK YOU -- source link
#▼hotogeek50#read me